Statistics: Cribbage

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General game statistics of Cribbage

Last reset: Nov 1 2014 19:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 445 (89.36%) 53 (10.64%) 498 (0.14%)
English 62 348 (31.4%) 136 197 (68.6%) 198 545 (55.09%)
Español 11 958 (25.41%) 35 108 (74.59%) 47 066 (13.06%)
Français 19 770 (26.93%) 53 640 (73.07%) 73 410 (20.37%)
Italiano 3 363 (15.65%) 18 122 (84.35%) 21 485 (5.96%)
Português 4 625 (32.85%) 9 453 (67.15%) 14 078 (3.91%)
русский 1 523 (34.67%) 2 870 (65.33%) 4 393 (1.22%)
Srpski 236 (26.43%) 657 (73.57%) 893 (0.25%)
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Total 104 269 (28.93%) 256 101 (71.07%) 360 370
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
9 (52.94%) 8 (47.06%) 17 (0%)
Deutsch 4 405 (88.22%) 588 (11.78%) 4 993 (0.12%)
English 633 635 (27.78%) 1 647 314 (72.22%) 2 280 949 (56.92%)
Español 124 262 (23.9%) 395 714 (76.1%) 519 976 (12.98%)
Français 186 184 (24.56%) 571 864 (75.44%) 758 048 (18.92%)
Italiano 33 136 (14.39%) 197 131 (85.61%) 230 267 (5.75%)
Português 45 808 (29.98%) 106 992 (70.02%) 152 800 (3.81%)
русский 15 747 (32.12%) 33 274 (67.88%) 49 021 (1.22%)
Srpski 2 113 (19.12%) 8 939 (80.88%) 11 052 (0.28%)
0 (0%) 28 (100%) 28 (0%)
Total 1 045 299 (26.09%) 2 961 852 (73.91%) 4 007 151

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~360 376104.1728.63 12238 015
~Rounds~4 007 2131 1578 10134 721422 714
~RoundsInFinishedGames~3 363 463971.46 80029 143354 806

Approximatively 83.94% of the games are played to their end, while 16.06% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. tiny: 72 099 rounds played
  2. Mujer_Vendabal: 61 046 rounds played
  3. vero: 52 881 rounds played
  4. mohammed_albasha: 47 366 rounds played
  5. alex_2209: 43 688 rounds played
  6. bernard11: 43 140 rounds played
  7. albinuta2: 36 792 rounds played
  8. fabioquartararo: 34 547 rounds played
  9. saad.almasry: 34 129 rounds played
  10. miroslav: 34 038 rounds played
  11. undertaker: 33 415 rounds played
  12. Ilcavalieretemplare: 31 811 rounds played
  13. maiden666: 30 825 rounds played
  14. osiris: 29 643 rounds played
  15. Shango: 28 331 rounds played
  16. dusty1: 27 872 rounds played
  17. pistachio: 27 808 rounds played
  18. xandra: 27 770 rounds played
  19. alli: 26 629 rounds played
  20. tourterelle: 24 591 rounds played
  21. manhhung: 24 313 rounds played
  22. zenicaja: 24 299 rounds played
  23. dranreb : 23 973 rounds played
  24. megaman3: 22 568 rounds played
  25. alesia: 22 551 rounds played
  26. diegoelfamoso: 22 175 rounds played
  27. maicol55: 22 163 rounds played
  28. SomeDude: 22 121 rounds played
  29. wildelake: 21 419 rounds played
  30. domatricedishirehorse: 20 855 rounds played

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