Statistics: Mexican Train

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General game statistics of Mexican Train

Last reset: Oct 12 2018 21:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Deutsch 39 (14.77%) 225 (85.23%) 264 (0.19%)
English 14 520 (26.5%) 40 267 (73.5%) 54 787 (38.8%)
Español 3 896 (15.04%) 22 005 (84.96%) 25 901 (18.34%)
Français 3 767 (11.09%) 30 214 (88.91%) 33 981 (24.07%)
Italiano 570 (6.59%) 8 079 (93.41%) 8 649 (6.13%)
Português 2 053 (22.86%) 6 927 (77.14%) 8 980 (6.36%)
русский 2 232 (26.45%) 6 208 (73.55%) 8 440 (5.98%)
Srpski 16 (8.47%) 173 (91.53%) 189 (0.13%)
Total 27 093 (19.19%) 114 098 (80.81%) 141 191
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 178 (15.14%) 998 (84.86%) 1 176 (0.12%)
English 83 314 (21.69%) 300 781 (78.31%) 384 095 (40.04%)
Español 18 412 (9.43%) 176 816 (90.57%) 195 228 (20.35%)
Français 17 108 (7.84%) 201 219 (92.16%) 218 327 (22.76%)
Italiano 2 926 (5.42%) 51 031 (94.58%) 53 957 (5.63%)
Português 9 144 (16.75%) 45 439 (83.25%) 54 583 (5.69%)
русский 18 155 (36.01%) 32 260 (63.99%) 50 415 (5.26%)
Srpski 94 (6.81%) 1 286 (93.19%) 1 380 (0.14%)
Total 149 331 (15.57%) 809 831 (84.43%) 959 162

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~141 19169.88489.22 09625 524
~Rounds~959 162474.73 32314 242173 392
~RoundsInFinishedGames~651 709322.62 2589 677117 812

Approximatively 67.95% of the games are played to their end, while 32.05% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Magie: 22 779 rounds played
  2. hada: 19 333 rounds played
  3. silviayotto: 15 731 rounds played
  4. hebinka: 15 518 rounds played
  5. freespirit: 15 120 rounds played
  6. sumaah: 14 954 rounds played
  7. albinuta2: 12 366 rounds played
  8. love2win: 11 510 rounds played
  9. joselu: 11 428 rounds played
  10. sakinoyuncu: 11 155 rounds played
  11. smartrc: 10 605 rounds played
  12. m.g.maria: 9 888 rounds played
  13. CorruptedCreativity: 9 687 rounds played
  14. karolina-yana: 9 004 rounds played
  15. pinguino: 8 548 rounds played
  16. Tonybesac25: 8 514 rounds played
  17. iuli45: 8 372 rounds played
  18. mari: 8 206 rounds played
  19. Dojdik: 8 075 rounds played
  20. fakir: 7 694 rounds played
  21. Lotus: 7 341 rounds played
  22. Nataliya: 7 230 rounds played
  23. kiraly: 7 216 rounds played
  24. jose: 7 193 rounds played
  25. mihalych: 6 938 rounds played
  26. sansonnettes: 6 909 rounds played
  27. Zarema: 6 779 rounds played
  28. B-gonia: 6 474 rounds played
  29. pistachio: 6 393 rounds played
  30. Poussinette: 6 226 rounds played

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