Statistics: Fives and threes

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General game statistics of Fives and threes

Last reset: Oct 29 2023 17:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 12 (2.1%) 560 (97.9%) 572 (0.73%)
English 5 623 (24.98%) 16 883 (75.02%) 22 506 (28.55%)
Español 2 275 (18.37%) 10 108 (81.63%) 12 383 (15.71%)
Français 846 (10.38%) 7 307 (89.62%) 8 153 (10.34%)
Italiano 544 (14.31%) 3 257 (85.69%) 3 801 (4.82%)
Português 8 585 (37.32%) 14 417 (62.68%) 23 002 (29.18%)
русский 656 (16.62%) 3 290 (83.38%) 3 946 (5.01%)
Srpski 1 578 (35.33%) 2 888 (64.67%) 4 466 (5.67%)
Total 20 119 (25.52%) 58 710 (74.48%) 78 829
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 68 (2.29%) 2 899 (97.71%) 2 967 (0.73%)
English 24 483 (17.76%) 113 346 (82.24%) 137 829 (33.84%)
Español 11 518 (15.68%) 61 930 (84.32%) 73 448 (18.03%)
Français 3 449 (8.63%) 36 495 (91.37%) 39 944 (9.81%)
Italiano 1 939 (9.51%) 18 455 (90.49%) 20 394 (5.01%)
Português 29 516 (31.19%) 65 117 (68.81%) 94 633 (23.23%)
русский 2 852 (17.45%) 13 488 (82.55%) 16 340 (4.01%)
Srpski 6 324 (29.02%) 15 468 (70.98%) 21 792 (5.35%)
Total 80 149 (19.68%) 327 198 (80.32%) 407 347

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~78 829433.73 03613 012158 414
~Rounds~407 3472 24115 68967 237818 599
~RoundsInFinishedGames~435 2652 39516 76471 846874 703

Approximatively 106.9% of the games are played to their end, while -6.85% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. kemanciibo: 5 992 rounds played
  2. miroslav: 5 374 rounds played
  3. zenicaja: 5 032 rounds played
  4. domatricedishirehorse: 4 865 rounds played
  5. toni: 4 473 rounds played
  6. Fady: 4 355 rounds played
  7. erdal: 3 989 rounds played
  8. pavesi: 3 907 rounds played
  9. Ilcavalieretemplare: 3 784 rounds played
  10. Wanted: 3 766 rounds played
  11. feridun: 3 613 rounds played
  12. Gennady: 3 609 rounds played
  13. enerji: 3 584 rounds played
  14. manuel09: 3 567 rounds played
  15. Milos: 3 544 rounds played
  16. yomismo: 3 445 rounds played
  17. el-chamo: 3 394 rounds played
  18. Lorie: 3 369 rounds played
  19. albinuta2: 3 287 rounds played
  20. Oliveira: 3 106 rounds played
  21. Phellype: 3 077 rounds played
  22. georgiana35: 3 025 rounds played
  23. exatropic: 2 972 rounds played
  24. mincha: 2 909 rounds played
  25. francesca: 2 898 rounds played
  26. douglas.valter: 2 823 rounds played
  27. Zepfan75: 2 749 rounds played
  28. ricardo-ric: 2 690 rounds played
  29. clausi12: 2 688 rounds played
  30. Miljan: 2 662 rounds played

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