Statistics: Scopa

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General game statistics of Scopa

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 2 (100%) 2 (0%)
Deutsch 695 (4.61%) 14 395 (95.39%) 15 090 (0.39%)
English 669 490 (45.65%) 797 045 (54.35%) 1 466 535 (38.32%)
Español 201 764 (29.18%) 489 689 (70.82%) 691 453 (18.07%)
Français 157 220 (27.41%) 416 425 (72.59%) 573 645 (14.99%)
Italiano 205 444 (33.45%) 408 648 (66.55%) 614 092 (16.05%)
Português 109 685 (28.79%) 271 341 (71.21%) 381 026 (9.96%)
русский 8 371 (11.18%) 66 500 (88.82%) 74 871 (1.96%)
Srpski 2 598 (26.71%) 7 128 (73.29%) 9 726 (0.25%)
0 (0%) 6 (100%) 6 (0%)
Total 1 355 267 (35.42%) 2 471 179 (64.58%) 3 826 446
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (8.33%) 11 (91.67%) 12 (0%)
Deutsch 3 038 (4.48%) 64 844 (95.52%) 67 882 (0.29%)
English 4 936 475 (49.23%) 5 090 348 (50.77%) 10 026 823 (42.19%)
Español 1 178 551 (30.21%) 2 722 466 (69.79%) 3 901 017 (16.41%)
Français 1 203 919 (35.46%) 2 191 129 (64.54%) 3 395 048 (14.29%)
Italiano 1 280 492 (36.86%) 2 193 354 (63.14%) 3 473 846 (14.62%)
Português 801 026 (32.64%) 1 652 989 (67.36%) 2 454 015 (10.33%)
русский 45 866 (11.39%) 356 717 (88.61%) 402 583 (1.69%)
Srpski 13 763 (31.35%) 30 141 (68.65%) 43 904 (0.18%)
0 (0%) 13 (100%) 13 (0%)
Total 9 463 131 (39.82%) 14 302 012 (60.18%) 23 765 143

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~3 826 7511 0307 20730 887376 036
~Rounds~23 766 3526 39444 759191 8242 335 403
~RoundsInFinishedGames~20 986 8785 64639 524169 3902 062 278

Approximatively 88.31% of the games are played to their end, while 11.69% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. alcazar: 164 525 rounds played
  2. yenilmezadam: 153 501 rounds played
  3. mirtabaier: 143 525 rounds played
  4. bugati: 131 142 rounds played
  5. brindemuguet: 129 809 rounds played
  6. pierocongedo: 123 789 rounds played
  7. camoun1: 109 983 rounds played
  8. vachette: 109 749 rounds played
  9. Ketty: 99 373 rounds played
  10. peppevigo: 94 072 rounds played
  11. delipoyraz: 92 469 rounds played
  12. roberto82: 89 982 rounds played
  13. mustan: 89 780 rounds played
  14. diabolik: 86 630 rounds played
  15. jokatore: 85 918 rounds played
  16. Starsky: 85 787 rounds played
  17. nirvana: 84 313 rounds played
  18. smartrc: 83 998 rounds played
  19. huseyinbertan: 82 444 rounds played
  20. william6222: 81 578 rounds played
  21. peperoncina: 79 568 rounds played
  22. maicol55: 78 438 rounds played
  23. ivan1985: 74 369 rounds played
  24. nachito: 74 222 rounds played
  25. agronbujari: 73 528 rounds played
  26. colla: 72 505 rounds played
  27. anjinhadoce: 72 217 rounds played
  28. petrus: 70 769 rounds played
  29. reallove: 70 543 rounds played
  30. elfraile: 67 065 rounds played

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