Scopa team tournament results

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Resultado: +0

1. Cristina ,

The scopa tournament has just concluded in this evening.
It was agreat, smooth tournament.
Thank all the players who participated and came on the time to play their matches.
There were nice games and many surprises in the groups.
The top two teams of every group were:
Ahdevefa with Bekarmehmet, Violeta with Albinuta2 and Victor11 with LUize, Bulentsavas with Enver.
They played the semi-final matches which were:
1. Ahdevefa Bekarmehmet vs Victor11 Luize

2. Violeta Albinuta2 vs Bulentsavas Enver

We had Romanian teams competing against Turkish teams in semi-final and the Turkish teams won.
Therefore, there was a Turkish final played by Ahdevefa Bekarmehmet and Bulentsavas Enver.
Our congratulations are going to Bulentsavas Enver, who succeeded to defeat all their opponents becoming the champion team of this scope tournament.
Thanks again everyone who desired to play in this tournament and also thank Unolover for asking me to help her and being a very good friend!
Till the next time, stay safe and think positive even if it is quarantine.
Cristina and unolover!

Resultado: +0

2. unolover,

conngrates to the teams that won veary good players

Resultado: +0

2 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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