who is that again?

77 mensajes, 3 páginas:  12 3 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

Resultado: +51

Encuesta: What would you modify regarding nickname changes ?

What would you modify regarding nickname changes ?

9 (18%)

9 (18%)

2 (4%)

5 (10%)

24 (49%)

0 (0%)

49 votos
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31. sound2,

Very true, some do it for fun, or because they are bored. Or to tease one another. It can get a bit much sometimes.

Resultado: +1

32. Zaine,

Hello. I think that the name change should not be like that, because if someone wants to change their name, it is not specifically to escape from someone. It's because they liked a character, because they agreed with friends to give themselves names that would leave them as friends even with the Nick, etc. also not to create another account, because in the surveys you need seniority and reputation, the email is not deleted (and it is silly to create emails for this) and perhaps other things. Maybe if the changeover time is increased, yes, but what @cristina suggests doesn't seem very good to me.

Resultado: +1

33. GoldenHorizon,

well, what I think folks is that display name suggestion should be implemented.

Resultado: +1

34. YNWA,

I would suggest that a username should be changed a maximum of 3 times over a 12 month period. There should be no limit when you change your username, if you make a mistake you can change it immediately but you would have used up 2 of your options. If people don't like it then create a new account and lose your friends list. Maybe if you keep asking to be added back to a friends list then that person will be annoyed and won't accept you after a while.

I think some user names are good and interesting. YNWA mean's You'll Never Walk Alone, the song that Liverpool fans sing before every game.

Resultado: +0

35. majoz,

Hi there, the more I read about the display name, the better I like it. Previously I was up for a name change history log, but display name should be a much quicker solution to this problem. Of course, there is a few questions to solve, like what name will you use when sending a pm, why should you carry your username all the time if you want to change your identity, etc. But I think it's not as hard to come up with solutions to these problems. For sending a pm or using a command, you could be allowed to use both names, the display and the username. That of course brings up another problem, both the usernames and display names should be unique together. But that should be handleable in my opinion. As for identity change, there's not a very big sense in changing your name and keeping your friends list, allowing everyone to guess out what nickname you are known under from now on. I would suggest either we allow an exceptional username change (only for these reasons), which is of course further questionable, or we allow a statistics transfer to a newly created account (to not lose game statistics), however this solution is questionable as well. But in my opinion, this has been never solved properly, and there is not an easy way to deal with it. Thanks for the poll by the way, like it. :)

Resultado: +1

36. godfather,

Imho the who was the person before thing is annoying sure, but not really a big deal or something unique that pr does or something. It happens everywhere. On discord you can change your username as often as you like. Now even they're coming up with a username and display name system to eliminate the tags but eitherway that's another discussion for another time, point is that it does happen, and all it really takes is to ask the other person what their nickname was prier to this one if you don't know who they are. I mean what's the point of having them in fl if you don't even have this much communication with them, and if they deliberately don't want to tell you, then well I think that's another thing all together. But even that problem would probs be solved if we separate display and user names but in that case it doesn't make sense for the limit to how much you want to change them to be limited imo.

Resultado: +1

37. Aminiel,


After a discussion with helpers, we have decided that display names won't be implemented, despite being the most voted solution.
The main reason is that it creates a lot of difficulties for those who are less used to computers, while not providing great advantages in return.
It doesn't provide great advantages because the main point, freedom to change your name whenever you like, isn't realistic. As many checks have to be done as currently in order to prevent abuses.

Our experience come, among others, from teamtalk, where you can choose your nickname each time you connect.
Those who change it all the time almost only do it to do bad things, such as impersonate someone else.
While in a small group of 10-15 people where everybody mostly knows each other, tehre isn't any big consequence and you can tolerate it to some level, in a bigger community like the playroom, it may quickly turn into serious drama if you aren't strict enough, with everything that comes with impersonating, technically (hacking) and socially (relation destruction and beyond).

We are going to progressively raise the change nickname cooldown from 30 to 60 days instead, and perhaps in the future, we will come with a better solution.

Thank you very much for participating into the debate, and sorry again that the most popular option hasn't been retained.

Resultado: +0

38. Frosty,

why can't the same rules be applied on the changing of display names? give it a round time of 30 days, let it go through the helpers, and your user name remains the same.

Resultado: +1

39. Aminiel,

@Radiant: it would be doable, but it practically don't give any benefit, compared to the current situation.
Otherwise said, it adds complexity for almost nothing.

Remember that there are people having 50, 60, 70 or more years old in the playroom, and those people aren't as eased with computers as we do.

Resultado: +2

40. YNWA,

I think 6 times a year is fine but there is still no new message to tell you who X was. I suggested in a previous post that you should have something like:

BigBot (now Magic77)

You should see this only on your friends list for 7 days. If you receive or send them a message they will keep their new username. If you forget who they are you just look at your friends list. If I wanted to send BigBot a message i would have to write:

@magic77 hello. because they have changed from BigBot to magic77.

Resultado: +0

41. Emerald,

Tbh changing the amount of times someone changes their usernames doesn’t really don anything. You will still have this issue so best to leave it as it now. Communication is the only way forward

Resultado: +1

42. godfather,

Yeah, Discord does the same thing now. If you set your username and display name with the new system, it says "formally known as ***."
I also don't really think that the argument of old/non-tech-savvy people not differentiating between display names and usernames stands in this day and age. It's not like Playroom is introducing this new, daunting, unique concept. This has been around for practically decades—from the era of Facebook, Skype, and maybe even before.
But even if we set aside the concept of separating them for a second, I don't think setting these huge, arbitrary limits on people changing nicknames is a good idea either. Just like the aforementioned feature, people changing nicknames on platforms is not a new thing either. I don't think we should decide what Playroom should and shouldn't have based on a small dataset of this tiny corner of the internet where toxic people gather up and spam, abuse, or otherwise do unnecessary disruptive things (like team talk, as you said) that also happen on selective servers. I've visited plenty that aren't as drama-filled.
By the way, this precise problem is what would be eradicated with a display name+username feature. If you can't change your username and you impersonate someone, you will get found out. Simple. Additionally, as I mentioned with team talk, it differs depending on where you go. Since most servers have an account-based system, any impersonation can be caught because the account is different from your nickname. Moreover, they are two very different platforms—TT and PR—serving distinct purposes and catering to different communities, with varying user bases.
But I rest my case. I started a similar poll a few months ago and got lots of votes regarding the pop-out window opening when you read inbox messages. However, that too was refused despite the votes, and the point about tech-savvy people was raised there as well. I still fail to understand how that argument stands to this day, given that it would probably be way easier for someone older to be able to read a message character by character, letter by letter, or however they want—similar to when they're typing messages on the forum—rather than this whole big string being sent to your screen reader and a buffer, often freezing your screen reader entirely if it's a longer one. I am fairly certain that would be quite scary for someone not adept at technology.
Frankly idk anymore. Lol.

Resultado: +1

Última edición por godfather, 17.06.2023 01:00:00

43. Frosty,

wow that's a good suggestion as well, right now if I have to go through a longer message, either I have to open the topic in web, or copy the message to notepad to read it word by word. which is quite annoying.

Resultado: +1

Última edición por Frosty, 17.06.2023 09:54:13

44. Emerald,

Hear what you can do, just have something as a mini profile. So you can have an extra thing that says view profile and there have original username or a place where someone can add their own words of who they are.

Resultado: +1

45. Frosty,

right, something like add notes, like discord.

Resultado: +0

46. Aminiel,


I won't add a display name, but the profile idea where you could add a note, bio, or presentation text is interesting.
It would be the occasion to add other information for those who wish to have them: birthday, gender, facebook page ...
of course everything would always be optional, and we would need to add privacy options to define who could see what.

Resultado: +1

47. Emerald,

I think thats more doable and better. It can just be a text box that allows to write whatever they want or it can be fields with questions like i am? I like? My gender is about me. I’d say it would be good to have only as a friend option though so you could only see once one got friended but then the whole idea in general would be good so it builds trust in the playroom. You will defo know who is who in this way and who is fake. Thanks for taking this into consideration

Resultado: +1

48. godfather,

@Radiant my point exactly, yes. it also causes lots of lag when the entire long text is sent to a buffer.

Resultado: +1

Última edición por godfather, 17.06.2023 22:31:19

49. glad,

but it is confusing for people who don't want to share their confedential information. we use usernames to address people and get addressed in the same way. this prevents people to get more confidential information and prevent spams, made discriminated on the bases of cast or the name and frodulent ids. Some people can change their names quite offen and it have a frodulent perspective.

Resultado: +0

50. Emerald,

No the view your profile will be completely optional if it is implemented. There people can write a bio or choose not too. Whatever works works I guess.

Resultado: +0

51. GoldenHorizon,

yeah exactly, I too agree with the view profile suggestion and the option to add a little bio.

Resultado: +0

52. glad,

What I think about the profile is that To make a profile, there should have a rule that people should not shair their phone number, email id, account number etc and it should be general like I am person's name and I work or study in so and so field. and age should not be reviled and sometimes some male people pretend to be female or female people pretend to be male. this is to b male. Thus there should be a rule not to tell a person's gender. they will be called using their usernames and they, their pronouns should be used. also where the cast of the person should not be revieled and if the person wants he can directly tell his or her friends as there might be religious conflicts. Same for the country you live in, income etc. Its my thought. Please feal free to make any changes wherever needed. thank you for your support.

Resultado: +0

53. Aminiel,


The rules with profiles would be the same as in all other social networks in general: you could share almost whatever you like, but my advice would be to don't share any information you don't totally assume or aren't comfortable with.

If religion is very important for you, why not write about it in your profile ?
However, if you say it, you should make sure that you won't feel offended if someone makes a joke about it.
Same thinking for non-binary gender, sexual orientation, racial ownership, politics, any activity or passion you have, or whatever else you might think about.
This can always happen, so you must be prepared to it, just in case. There are a lot of good and bad reasons to make fun of everything.

Quote of a well known French humorist: you can laugh about everything, but not with everybody.

If you think you will be offended by a joke about your religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc., you'd better don't mention it at all, and only talk about it with people you are sure to trust in.
So, only those who accept it as is will know it, and all those who know it accept it as is.

It's up to you to define what is acceptable or not for you.

The only definitive non-negotiable rule is that you must not encourage violence, racism, piracy, pornography, and other extreme things like that.
You should also remember that there are people under 18, so explicit things under the belt are also better disallowed.

Resultado: +1

54. Arya_Stark,

Oh, what you talked about of the profiles and that would be a very great idea, really it'd be. Yeah, you would be able to write there everything you want unless what @Aminiel said, for obvious reasons. I think that not allowing to share something about your religion, age, gender or phone number is not necessary if you considerate that it is the responsibility of who writes that information there. Of course, helpers shouldn't take any actions if, for example, I share my phone number and it's not well used cause I shared it by my own. Also, I don't think that 60 days per each nickname change is a good time. I think 30 days were OK if you wanted so, but 60? it's a lot. Anyway display names wouldn't had been a bad idea. It's not about simulating to be another person that you aren't, cause although you can use someone's else nickname as your display name, your username, which would be alwais the same, will show who are you actually. but well if it won't be implemented, I think the best is to leave it there.

Resultado: +0

55. glad,

What I ment it that it should be general like I am person's name and I work or study in so and so field. I have so and so hobbies or passions and I like so and so games if someone wants to write.

Resultado: +0

56. BlueTardisz,

I kind of think display names would be more practical than a bio, that way, you can disallow username changes, but allow display name changes to say, one or two times per year, or every two months. Some people might not want to put up a bio, I don't understand why you would implement a bio option as a little profile but not display names.

Resultado: +0

57. Aminiel,


The big difference between a display name and a bio is that everybody is forced to see your display name, while if you aren't interested in the bio, you just don't read it.

Another point is, whether you can change your display name as will, in which case it's open bar for inpersonnating and other abuses, or display name changes are moderated, in which case it doesn't provide any real advantage compared to the current system.
None of the two are interesting.

Resultado: +0

58. glad,

if someone adds a bio we can get information about that person and talk to him that way without hurting them. We can understands their likes and we can keep each other compuny.

Resultado: +1

59. Spongebob,

And, the poll is closed and the result is to Allow to set a display name different from user name. 24 (49%)

Resultado: +0

60. godfather,

@Spongebob cmon bro, you and I both know how this works by now :P.

Resultado: -1

77 mensajes, 3 páginas:  12 3 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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