suggestion, table message

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1. Copito_De_Nieve ,

hello! I'm coming here with the following Suggestion, it is about a table message, let's say, i have a table, and there is an element that says the following. Set a table message, so that when users join they receive the message i give a practical example. I have a table and someone joins, then they receive something like: table message: welcome to the table! i hope you like it. thanks, and sorry if it was not understood i tried to be as explanatory as possible, goodbye

Resultado: +1

2. Aminiel,


Sorry, but I don't understand very well your suggestion. Can you explain a little more ? Thank you.

Resultado: +1

3. Vojvoda,

I believe what the poster meant is that the table master should be able to set an announcement which everyone who joins sees after joining. It could be interesting but personally I think that's what table topic is for.

Resultado: +0

4. sterio,

exactly it is like a message which we get when entering to crazy party on qc. but it should be able to be edited by table master

Resultado: +1

5. Moriarty,

I think this could be pretty useful.
In the recent days, I spent like 5 hours just sitting at Go/Reversy tables, waiting for someone to play with.
Except one fellow with network connection problems who left after the first two moves, I didn't get anyone.
Well, if we don't count the few people who apparently misclicked the game type. I mean, it's indeed funny to see people join and be like "Hey, this is a weird board!" when the game actually starts, but they usually just run away, so other than that it's pretty useless.
With a table message, I could just setup a table saying I'm interested in the game, and people could suggest dates to play in the chat without the need for me to constantly track the table.
I imagine this could be an interesting compromise on the topic of asynchronous tables?
not truly asynchronous, but much better than spamming players and the forum with "Hey, interested in playing X Y game?" messages imo.

Resultado: +0

6. Aminiel,


OK, thank you for the explanations.

I agree that it could indeed be useful in a free table for a tournament or any event in general.
Just like an audio stream is announced when you enter the table, we could well imagine an additional message, for example with a link to subscribe, see the schedule and table organization, etc.

Otherwise in a regular game table, I don't understand well how useful it can be.

@Moriarty: I don't understand very well, sorry. To me it looks unrelated to the initial suggestion.
Can you give me more explanations or create another suggestion please ?

Resultado: +2

7. lucy_light,

Well, funny suggestion, but I am quite indiferent, I can live with or without it.

Resultado: +1

8. Moriarty,

@Aminiel indeed. Right now, it's pretty difficult to get human opponents for certain games, like Go and Reversy.
The longer you keep a table open, the more likely it is someone will connect.
But at the same time, you can't spend the whole day sitting on a table just in case someone connects.
I can create a table and keep my client running, but if someone connects and I won't be present because I'm doing something else and don't want to be disturbed, they will consider the table abandoned and leave.
What I wanted to say with my previous post is, I could make use of a table message to say to the connected players "Hey, I'm not here right now, but make sure to PM me if you want to play and we will settle on a game." or something along these lines.
It's one of the possible uses for the table message functionality.

Resultado: +1

9. Aminiel,


Normally, when someone enter in your table, even if you aren't on the playroom window, you should hear a sound. If it's not the case, you can configure the client to do so, by setting sounds for table messages to be always played.
The friend list is also there to help you setting up a game with people you can trust in.

However, I well understand the problem now. It's obvious, it's of course much easier to quickly find someone for dominos or farkle than for chess.

Just a thought, if several people stay for hours in their own table just like you do, it may happen that you never meet, and this functionality wouldn't help in that situation. Maybe there are better alternatives, let's wait a little for other ideas and other opinions.

Resultado: +1

10. Moriarty,

@Aminiel thanks. Yes, the table join sound is useful, but only when you expect an early connection. When you expect it can take the whole day until someone interested notices your table and connects, you likely want to go with your day as usual, and don't want to be disturbed say during lectures, coding, or just doing some other funny stuff, like writing mathematical proofs for theorems about consequences of interaction between vector subspaces. :)
And you may not even be physically present for various reasons.

I wouldn't be afraid much about different people missing their tables. Well, or at least on my end, I always check if there is not a table already open before making my own, applying double for the less-crowded games.

Friends are indeed a solution, unfortunately, none of the two I have in my life is interested in board games. :)
Writing to people i've played with in the past is a strategy I'm considering, though it seems a bit rough compared to the non-invasive solutions.
Does Playroom have notifications for private messages btw?

Resultado: +1

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