A few interesting things (en curso)

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1. CaptainMcOi,

Well, 2 things.

  1. I think it'd be nice having the ludo board game in here one day, there was this iOS app called gameworld, the sounds and playing that game had a so cool vibe back then, so it could be great having it here too.
  2. Now the big issue, we're in 2024, but sounds are still like 2010 quality or something. I think since this has so many nice games and potential, some sounds should be replaced, maybe should be done like in rs games where each game has their sounds folder. If one for example makes an rs games soundpack, it can be so unique!
  3. Probably this won't happen but was curious to see what yall think of this. I can't believe I would be the first one with those wishes am I?

Resultado: +0

2. Mohammedradwan2003,

I like the sounds, I'll miss them if they changed.

Resultado: +0

3. davidhs1200,

You are very right. It's a bit boring with all this silence. I also thought of something cool.
1. Store development/business management game: I haven't seen any accessible game of this type and it would be nice to have a broad strategy development game here. I thought all the blackjack profits could go there and the money could help the users.
2.. An accessible life simulator

Resultado: +0

4. Emerald,

Nah sounds from RS games are just not cool. I like these ones better. I do wish people could see QC for what it is than always comparing it to RS games and trying to improve it like it’s the worst platform.

Btw if you want life stimulation games go App Store. There are some that are accessible. Its not really a a multiplayer thing.

Resultado: +2

5. CaptainMcOi,

Nah iPhone games are shit. And yeah life sims are something else. I don't compare it to rs games, it just has more potential regarding the sound enhancement and idk I dislike the lowquality sounds, like sometime ya needa move on yk?

Resultado: +0

6. majoz,

Must agree with Emerald. Will never understand why people who like RS games just don't go play it instead of bringing it everywhere with them, trying to convince others to make RSG soundpacks, games, or other similarities in a totally different place, mainly here. The most I could agree with is that playroom lacks some background music. Would be cool to have it back. But it's not a must.

Resultado: +0

7. Nikola,

I personally agree that some kind of sounds redesign wouldn't be bad, and we shouldn't connect this to RS games at all, as it's a very good topic on its own.

For instance, probably my major annoyance regarding sounds is the same sound for PM and invitations, as they are in fact different enough to receive their own sounds.
However, this was discussed in the past and the idea was never refused, it was just not a high priority item. I suspect it will be done at some point.

Anyway, in my view, RS Games has a completely different style. Whoever likes that can feel free to enjoy it over there, but I find their sounds long, intrusive, and simply put, annoying.
In a card, board or dice game, sounds are supposed to be the background, a nice cosmetic item to appreciate, but not something that would play for 3 turns even though the sound already became irrelevant a long time ago. I'm not even joking when I say that in RSG, if I finish a round of Uno, I can't even hear what is happening and who got how many points because 2 loud sounds play on top of each other and last for an extremely long amount of time. The best solution is reduce the volume, the problem? Now you've reduced the volume of the quiet, nice and proper background sounds as well.
Probably the best game over there in terms of sound design would be Farkle, compared to our version, there are sounds when a player overtakes the current leader/when the score limit is reached and everybody gets a final turn.

It's a completely different story if we are talking about audio games, where sounds are the central and the main point. Here, they are supposed to give you an idea about what is happening in the game, but not to blast your ears.

I wouldn't call the current sounds low quality though. If we want to move this topic forward, probably the best idea is instead of RS games comparisons, to point out the sounds that you currently don't like. Obviously this is going to be quite subjective still and not everything will be changed as it's impossible to make everybody happy, but I would myself be curious about which sounds users generally don't like.

Resultado: +3

8. CaptainMcOi,

To make this clear... I was not comparing this to rs games, but sorry for mensioning it at all or something. But almost all or many games sound arcade like, 1000 miles anyways. Or the battleship firing sound, way to loud. The clapping sound for when you win the game, low quality. And generally, having the same dice/card sound for every game, it just feels overused a lot. And no, I don't go rs games to write in the forum, cuz it doesn't exist! This client is better anyways. And I do play rs games there, I legit only use this for the forum rn or to check free tables. And after having looked through the sounds folder again, even though some sounds are not long, some are much louder than others. And I don't agree with the rs games sounds are long part, But for me it has way to much speech output, like the sounds arn't the problem at all but for example a farkle game in rs is difficult because it literally tells you every single tiny action of your opponent.

Resultado: +0

9. Aminiel,


There's quite a lot of discrepency between the first games and the last ones in terms of sounds, and several inconsistencies came over the years.
Typically, compare monopoly / 1000 miles / battleship and the rest.

However, sorry for some of you, but for board games, the trend is more to have quiet, short-lived sounds.
As Nikola says, the goal isn't to have loud sounds that prevent you from hearing speech and/or following the game properly.
So, certainly, good bye monopoly construction and destruction sounds, battleship missile sound, some of the longest 1000 miles sounds...
This is of course different for arcade games.

There's no doubt that a redesign is needed, but as said, this isn't a high priority.

It would probably help if you tell which sounds you dislike the most / which sounds you think should be changed first.
Don't hesitate to make suggestions ! I'm going to give more credit if:

  • You give links (for example, on freesounds.org, or even on your dropbox)
  • Your sounds are short, at most 2-3 seconds, and of good quality, 44.1kHz minimum; most sounds are currently mono but it isn't a requirement. For most in-game, interface or social-related sounds, I don't want longer sounds.
  • You make a suggestion containing several related sounds and if they participate together in making a coherent sound design
  • You propose generic sounds that can apply for the same or mostly the same action in different games; While I have abusively grouped sounds that shouldn't have been, I still don't want to have completely different sounds for each game if they can be reused.
  • Don't include any speech in the sound, as it won't work equally in all languages

I imagine that, at some point, we'll open a process with more detailed instructions on how to submit a sound pack, and what the sound pack is supposed to contain exactly.

Resultado: +2

10. YNWA,

People will always compare RS with the PR as others would do the same with X-Box and Playstation that is the way it is.

RS music in games is music that is on a loop for roughly 20 seconds that is repeated and that gets boring after a while.

If you have crashes, explosions etc they make a loud noise and personally those are very good sound effects but I do agree you don't want them to go on for too long so 3 seconds is ok.
With Jaws you can have music/sound effects quieter when Jaws is talking but perhaps not for NVDA.

Resultado: +0

11. CaptainMcOi,

Well, read me last post about some examples and rs comparing thing, I don't want to repeat myself

Resultado: +0

12. majoz,

@ynwa in fact, nvda can do this too. But that's not the main point. I agree that a sound redesign wouldn't be bad in some games, however I like the playroom soundpack as it is. It gives the playroom the style for which we can recognise it as playroom, it became quite a lot connected to all these games that are offered here. And allthough I consider myself as someone very interested in sounds and their quality, the low quality of the win sound has never bothered me for instance.

Resultado: +0

13. El-Dragon,

please, remove or reduce the volume of the breaking glass when your loose a round. i just need that

Resultado: +2

14. sound2,

Hello people. Interesting topic. I have to agree with the others. I admit I like the sounds here. They have their own charm.

Resultado: +0

15. Mohammedradwan2003,

The breaking glass is the only sound which scares me around here.

Resultado: +0

16. CaptainMcOi,

Well at least I know if a new game comes out that it won't sound any special. We have so many fun games here but the sounds... Ok. See it like this. And ofc I agree with long sounds being bad but I didn't even say they were good in the first place or that sounds needed to be complex. But, if you have another game, no matter what type. Having only 1 sound for every action, like walking, jumping, collecting something, whatever style it may be, doesn't anyone agree that this is a bit arcade/retro like? Of course the some sounds fit for what they are, like dominos, monopoly etc but there's just no uniqueness. At least this should support addons which could customize a sound for you for each game you want it to work for, which you can browse in your files. Those things could then be uploaded in a menu so people can share their themes with the community or something. And I don't talk about total sound themes or skins, just for gaming stuff. I quite like the simple clicky UI.

Resultado: +0

17. Frosty,

I proposed the idea of sound skins long ago and it was refused because the sounds are encrypted within the client.

Resultado: +0

18. Rory101,

Here's an invite sound if you want to make pm sound and invite sound separate: https://sightlesswolf.com/qc_invite.ogg - don't worry about licensing, I just made it myself

Resultado: +1

19. Caoimhe,

I don't know if I'd be able to get used to new invite/pm sounds. They are like an integral part of my life now lol.

Resultado: +1

20. CaptainMcOi,

O, k? I hope you have a life outside of this playroom... 😛

Resultado: +0

21. glad,

I don't agree that changing all the sounds is a good idea but the glass braking type of sound while loozing need to be change to something. like in winning we have claps in loozing we can have another sound. we can also add sounds for replace players in tables. also I agree with the first sujestion ludo game should be hear if possible. we should change invite and pm sounds like for pm we have bell for invite we can keep some other light sound

Resultado: +0

Última edición por glad, 24.02.2024 17:29:27

22. GeorgeWu,

Hi, I like the sounds for both games they're pretty good.

Resultado: +0

23. Emerald,

I quite like the glass shattering, it really expresses how one feels when they loose. Like it?s heart breaking after an intensive round of whatever game. If this is replaced, I am not sure you can really get the same effect.

Resultado: +1

24. godfather,

Yeah but it's loud I think.

Resultado: +0

25. aims,

for me it doesnt matter if we get new sounds or not because the sounds we are using right now is fine, but i'd be very happy to have the invite sound and the pm sounds different. :)

Resultado: +0

26. HeadphoneJack,

I was actually thinking about the round losing sound, how dramatic it sounded for something that in most games doesn't decide the outcome. I'm principally against most sound changes because the confusion that would result would outway any possible benefit, unless the sound was actually painful to listen to.

The only way to make everybody happy would be to allow people to change sounds how they please, which was actually possible on the windows client for a while but then for some reason aminiel put all the sounds in a .dat file so you can't do it without some effort. I would guess that it's not impossible on webclient if you can do some kind of rewriting so that the client accesses sounds from somewhere else but it's very complicated and error-prone.

Resultado: +0

27. CaptainMcOi,

Idk, also all those connection sounds from the users side are quite disturbing, just unnesesarily loud

Resultado: +0

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