Idea to make "Cards Against Humanity" better

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Resultado: +5


I was thinking, what if we added a system where players can suggest new cards and have them validated, kinda like in Quizz Party? This would be awesome cause the game can get kinda boring after a while, mostly cuz there's not enough cards and you start seeing the same stuff over and over.

Also, it'd be cool to add more cultural diversity and different accents, regardless of what the helpers have. This would make the game way more fun and interesting.

Here's how it could work: one player comes up with a question and some answer options. Then, another player would check them out and make sure their good enough to add to the game.

This wouldn't just give us more content, but it'd also get players more involved in creating new stuff, keeping the game fresh and fun for a long time.

Resultado: +0

Última edición por CREADOR, 01.07.2024 14:16:35

2. Emerald,

I thought of this and i’d be happy to be a validator myself if that was an option. I’m sure we can get a seprate team going so it’s not overwelming for the quiz party team.

And of course follow the rules to make sure it’s friendly for all users etc.

Resultado: +0

3. glad,

nice idea!

Resultado: +0

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