Hello. I have a special question. Can someone works on Indian Monopoly board? If yes please, inform Me here. I am not from India but I'll be happy if Indian monopoly board will be created. So I don't want to do unnecessary job with this. If You have problem how to create Indian Monopoly board, I'll send You here link to page with instructions. Also, I've copied those instructions too. Thank You. Marco
Resultado: +0
2. facelessghost,
Hello! To make your topic more informative, I think it would be great if you could provide a link to information about the instructions you are writing about. Please do not forget that the forum is a public place, and not everyone can know what you entered! Do not misunderstand my message in any way, I do not wish to offend you.
Resultado: +0
3. godfather,
me and a few others are working on one currently, yes. There was a topic about this somewhere if you scroll. It's just been busy with other commitments, expect it sometime soon in the future though.
Resultado: +0
4. Emrah20,
Finally good answer, so I won't create an other. Also, I've written about this link. http://qcsalon.net/en/faq There is section about suggesting new monopoly board.
Resultado: +3
5. NebulaDrift,
I can create 1 really quick
Resultado: +0
6. godfather,
Why though? There is one in progress. Idk why people love to compete so much these days with everything. If you had asked to join and volunteer I'd be ok with it. My pms are open, so is my inbox, so is this forum topic and the old one. Several people are working on it. there is no leadership or excuse the pun, "monopoly" here of any kind. If power is your motivation since that seems to be the case for a lot of people especially blind people to own everything and get credit; that doesn't exist here. Everybody is just working on something fun together, bouncing ideas around, and we are all equal. So if that's what you want be my guest I guess since you won't find that in this group. It's completely pointless though imho lmao.
Resultado: +1
7. NebulaDrift,
man chill. I was just saying I can create one really quick. rest of the things you imagined your self. I don't want any credit or anything like that. anyways.