New Game: Prostoy Durak

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1. Space-Rage,


My Friend Seva from Russia has told Me about a cool Game

It's called Prostoy durak, which means simple fool

the objective is to get rid of all of your cards, and the "fool" is the last person left with cards after everyone else has run out.

Players and cards
Two, Three or Four players can play. There're no Teams. A 36 card French suited pack's used, The Cards in each suit ranking from high to low: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.
The deal
Anyone can deal The first Hand; thereafter The loser of each Hand deals The next. The work of dealing is regarded as The fool's punishment for having lost The previous Hand. If any other player touches The Cards before The deal's complete, They take over The role of fool and The job of dealing. The dealer shuffles The Cards, but there's no cut.
The dealer deals Five Cards to each player, one at a time, clockwise. The next Card's placed face up on The Table; its suit's trumps. The remaining stock of undealt Cards's placed face down, crosswise on top of The face up Card, so that The rank and value of The face up trump remain visible.
The play
The play's clockwise. At any moment during The Game, there's an attacker and a defender, who's The player to The left of The attacker. The player to The left of The dealer attacks first.
The attacker must play One, Three or Five Cards face up on The Table, side by side. The cards played must conform to One of The following patterns:
• Any single Card can be played
• When Three Cards're played, They must be a pair of Cards of equal rank, accompanied by any Third Card (for example 6 of Hearts, 6 of Diamonds and 9 of Clubs; the Third Ccard could also be another Six)
• When Five Cards're played, They must be Two pairs of Cards accompanied by any fifth Card (for example 7 of Clubs, 7 of Hearts, Queen of Spades, Queen of Hearts and 10 of Hearts; The fifth Card could also be a 7 or a Queen) or four Cards of The same rank accompanied by any fifth Card.
The defender may beat some or all of The Cards played by The attacker, by placing better Cards on top of Them. Any Card can be beaten by a higher Card of The same suit, and any non-trump Card can be beaten by any Card of The trump suit. Each attack card's beaten separately, and The Cards used for beating don't have to form any particular combination. For example if Hearts're trumps and The attacker plays 9 of Clubs, 9 of Spades and 9 of Diamonds, these Cards could be beaten by The King of clubs, 6 of Hearts and Ace of diamonds respectively. Any Cardsn't beaten by The defender must be picked up and added to The defender's Hand.
There're three possibilities.

  1. The defender beats all of The cards played by The attacker. All of the attack and defense Cards're set aside face down in a discard heap, andn't used again until The next deal. The defender becomes The New attacker, and The next player in turn's The new defender.
  2. The defender beats some butn't all of The Cards played by The attacker. The beaten Cards and The Cards used to beat Them're put aside face down in The discard heap, and The unbeaten Cards're taken into The defender's Hand. Having picked up Cards, The defender doesn't have The right to attack; The player to The defender's left becomes The next attacker and The person to this player's left's The New defender.
  3. The defender beats none of The attack Cards, but picks Them all up. The turn to attack passes to The player to The old defender's left, and The New defender's The player to The left of The New attacker as usual.
  4. Example: There're Three players Anatoly, Stanislava, and Stanislav. and Diamonds're trumps. Anatoly leads Jack of Spades, Jack of Diamonds and 9 of Hearts; Stanislava beats The 9 of Hearts with The Queen of Hearts, trumps Jack of Spades with The 6 of Diamonds and picks up The Jack of Diamonds. Because Stanislava didn't beat All of The Three Cards it's now Stanislav's turn to attack, and Anatoly'll be The New defender.
    If after playing The attack Cards, The attacker has fewer than Five Cards in Hand, The attacker must draw sufficient Cards from The top of The stock so as to hold Five Cards again. In The same way, if after beating some or All of The attack Cards and picking up any unbeaten Cards The defender has fewer than FiveCcards, The defender's Hand must be replenished from The stock after The attacker has done so. Until The stock's exhausted, All of The players must hold at least Five Cards. The trump card's drawn as The last Card from The stock.
    A player Who holds The trump Six, either having been dealt it or having picked it up from The stock, can exchange it for the face up trump Card at any time before The stock's exhausted.
    The endgame
    The object of the game is to get rid of all One's Cards. When there're no Cards left in The stock, players no longer replenish Their Hands after attacking or defending, so may have fewer than FiveCcards. A player who has No Cards left in Hand when there're No Cards left in The stack drops out of The Game, and The other players play on.
    An attacker's never allowed to lead more Cards than The defender holds, so for example if The defender has FourCcards, The attacker can lead One Card or Three, butn't five. Some play that a defender who has fewer than Five Cards must announce The Number of Cards held, to warn the attackern't to play too many Cards
    If as a defender You use all of Your Cards to beat an equal Number of Cards played as an attack against You, and there're Cards in The stock, You drop out of The play, and The turn to attack passes to The player to Your left.
    When all of The players but One have run out of Cards, The last player holding cards is The loser. Sometimes The Game's played for matchchips, The loser of each Game taking a matchchip. The object is then to collect as few matchchips as possible over a series of deals. The loser must also shuffle The Cards and deal The next Hand.
    A draw's possible if there're just Two players left in The Game, and They hold an equal Number of Cards each (One, Three or Five). If The first player attacks with all of Their Cards, and The second's able to beat all of these Cards, so that neether has any Cards left, The Game's a draw. In this case The loser of The previous Game remains The loser and deals The Cards for The next Game. In Russia They say: "One old fool is a bigger fool then two New fools".

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