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1. YNWA,

Dear all

We are looking for people who are willing to work on The Quiz Party project. We are looking for people who have an excellent command of the English language in reading and writing. You don't have to be a native person to apply for the post, We want somebody who is efficient at researching questions that have been submitted by Playroom users. The standard of questions are at a very high level so we expect successful candidates to spend time on questions so they can be as accurate and presentable as possible. We are also looking for people to have a good standard of English grammar with the ability to check misspelt words to a satisfactory level. We feel if validated questions have a 95% success rate at the start with a reasonable standard of grammar and spelling then this will be a massive help to the team going forward.


Check if the question makes sense.
Think to yourself have I come across this question before, if so then delete the question.
Check the question and try to make it as understandable to others as reasonably possible.
Check all 4 possible answers and not just the suggested correct answer as there may be more than one possible answer.
Don't accept the first option that comes along even if it matches the correct answer when checking the answer to a question.
Check if there is other sources that back up your original source because one website may say one thing and another website could say something totally different.
Check if all 4 options are spelt properly to the best of your knowledge.
Check if all 3 possible alternatives are strong enough to make people think it could be any of those three options.
If you feel you are unable to Validate a specific question because you can't find an answer for example then put a comment in the comments box so the other members of the team can deal with that issue.


Check already validated questions to see if you can spot any further questions that have issues concerning Accuracy, grammar and spelling. If you notice repeated questions then delete the repeated question.
Check any questions that have been flagged up by the Playroom users. Take any action you deem necessary to deal with any matters arising. If you find any additional issues yourself deal with those issues or report them to another member of the team.
Review questions that have been validated in the past to see if those answers are still relevant at the time you review them.

We know that you may not tick all the boxes we have here but we are looking for people that can tick as many boxes as possible. People don't have to be quiz experts to be part of the team but if you do have some knowledge of trivia then of course that will help if you know some of the answers. Rome was never built in a day so we are looking for diligent people who pay attention to detail. We know that standards of English differ through the English part of the platform so we are looking for conscientious candidates who respect the privacy of every person who submits a question in good faith no matter the question or it's content.

We have no fixed hours so people are able to choose when they are able to work on the Quiz Party project. You will be expected to work on your own but you are able to contact other team members for help or advice if you feel that you have any issue with any of the questions. You will be helped in getting started and I am sure that the other fellow team members will be more than happy to give you any assistance you require.
If you feel that you are a suitable candidate and really think you can help the team then please write to Mayank, Snowflake and YNWA via our in-box so all 3 of us can access your message. We just require a brief synopsis detailing your suitability for The Quiz Party job outlining some of your qualities and experiences that you feel will really benefit the team.

Thank you all in anticipation

Mayank, Snowflake and YNWA.

Resultado: +0

2. Nikola-Jovic ,

Hello, I send a message to apply, however only to Snowflake and Ynwa as Mayank can only receive messages from his friends.

Resultado: +0

3. YNWA,

If some of the team are unable to get the message at present then those applications will be forwarded so don't worry about that.

Resultado: +0

4. afrim,

OK, I am ready and willing to help, but after the date 10th April. If you could wait til that date, I would be happy to contribute, and even to add more questions.

Resultado: +0

5. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Count me in. I'm not sure if they have a system in place to prevent someone from validating their own questions to stop bias but I'd be more than happy to get this game up and running for everyone.

Resultado: +0

6. YNWA,

Dear All

Afrim this is not going to be a rushed job so we arn't going to choose the first people that come along so I would be surprised if we select anybody by 10 April unless we see many applications that suddenly say pick me because I am everything and more than what you are looking for.

I printed that job specification so everybody can see what is now needed to be a validator for the quiz team. Look at it carefully and as I say take your time. Go through every single item and ask yourself how many of these duties am I really compitent at completing successfully on my own. Remember this is not our Hearts tournament so count me in will simply not be good enough if you really want to work for the team.

You need to convince us you are the best person for the job and if you think you know somebody really is suited to this job then please let them know. We want to choose the best possible people that we can because that is the only way we can get a top quality Quiz Party

Remember there are 3 of us that you have to convince that you are the best person for the job so think very carefully about what you want to say. A teacher once said to me don't put down the first thing that comes into your head. That is very good advice.

I purposely chose some big words because I wanted the high standard of English we required. If we have to wait for it a bit longer then we will be prepared to wait.

I asked for peoples qualities as it tells people what you think you can do. It means what are your strengths. Hard worker, strong communicator, have good ideas, a good team player, good with computers, good at maths, good with written English, good at quizzes,good at trivia, good at research, careful, don't rush things, and many more. We have all got different qualities and of course bad ones too and that is what makes us all human.

We just want to get a feel of what you are about as it will make our job easier when selecting suitable people. We can't afford to select anybody so this is an opportunity for us to get to know you more and for you to convince us that you really are the best person to help with the quiz. Remember what you send us is confidential so whatever you say will remaine with us.

Anybody who wants to be part of the quiz team then please send your application to Mayank, Snowflake and YNWA.

All I can do now is say spread the news and best of luck to the people selected.



Resultado: +0

7. la_tia_mas_feliz_por_ser_tia,

I'm in, it would be great to help validating more questions and having the game available on the english server

Resultado: +0

8. florianionascu7,

I also want to be a validator.

Resultado: +0

9. Mayank ,

Hi. My messages are now open for any applications. Sorry for that miss.

Resultado: +0

10. YNWA,

Dear All

We are no-longer looking for anybody to work for The Quiz Party Team. We would like to thank everybody who applied for the post. We would like to thank everybody for the effort they put into writing to us.

We hope to get the quiz up and running so it is available for everybody to play as soon as we can.


Quiz Party Team

Resultado: +0

Última edición por YNWA, 10.04.2017 00:45:43

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