an extra option for 1000 miles

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1. tiny,

hi, i think it wouldn't be bad if we have an option in which while we're playing the game, who reach the viktory or the final score first, wins the game. i understand that sometimes we have a close game, but sometimes it's the exact opposite we just play because we should play untill the end. now, with this option the game can end a little bit quickly on those games. some people would like it i think, but the others can play like before if they guess they will have a close game and might win with the last option, so they won't apply that option. now i should say that's just an offer, obviously people can say they like this option or not, and admin will decide to apply this option or not

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2. Lemonade,

I did notice some games go to the end of the round and some don't, but in both cases there is no way to change it. Perhaps for some games that's simply not possible, but I doubt it would break anything in 1k miles. So I would agree.

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3. wolfi,

i think cribbage should wait for the round to end before just ending when you reach the score limit

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4. Lemonade,

Yeah, with cribbage it's kind of the opposite. It would also be nice to have the option to wait for the end of the round there.

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5. Vojvoda ,

This way dirty tricks won't mean anything, and if you want to race then put number of turns 1

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6. tiny,

so, yeah about cribbage it could be nice yeah.. why not. but i think again it should be an extra option because the current option for cribbage is fine also in some ways

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7. YNWA,

I do agree with this rule too.

With cribbage it is part of the official rules to finnish when it does. If someone is close to the winning score at the start of the round then you select cards that give you more options and do not select cards for a final hand.

While I amon the subject I read in game rules that the first phase for 6 players should be set to 61 and not 31 as it is at the moment. This would enable some bigger scores if there is a run and would not keep going back to 0 after a few cards have been played.

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8. Lemonade,

The 61 thing would definitely make things a whole lot more interesting for 6 players. I would certainly be in favor of that.

Resultado: +0

8 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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