Spades, optional blind nill rule

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1. Nikola,

Greetings. I have recently read about an optional rule in Spades and found it quite interesting for the Playroom. This rule applies in team games of four people. When this rule is enabled, the team who is behind by at least 200 points gets to choose if one of it's members wants to take a risk and bet a blind nill. With this kind of bet, you can't see your cards until you choose to make it, and if you do, before play of the hand begins you swap two cards with your partners, so that the absolute winners such as ace of spades can be removed. This bet is also doubled due to the risky nature of it, so instead of 100 the team would be aworded 200 points thus having a chance to catch up. So here is how I suggest it could work: Before the game begins, you can choose whether to enable the option or not. If it is enabled, whenever a team is behind by 200 points instead of showing the list of your cards, at your turn before the bidding you are asked a question if you want to try a blind nill or not. If yes, other players are notified and once the bidding is over, they swap cards and play begins as usual. If you say no, bidding continues as usual, but when your partner is about to bed he will of course be asked the same question. Again, if he answers no he makes a standard bet as always.
If you have any questions I'll try to answer them as best as possible. I hope to see this rule implemented on the Playroom.

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2. YNWA,

As a rule I am not so Roy Keane on having too many options at the start of a game but as spades doesn't have too many then why not. The question is if 2 from the same team bet a 0 would they get 300 points not 200? I know it is rare but it could happen.

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3. Nikola,

No, 2 from the same team cannot do a blind nill bet. It can happen that one does blind nill and another an ordinary one, but that's not very usual and doesn't make sense. As I said, before the playing phase the one who bid a blind nill must swap two cards, usually his strongest ones so it doesn't make sense for your partner to bet a nill knowing that he will get strong cards from you. But yes, if it happens that you bet a standard nill bet the rules remain unchanged.

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3 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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