Really annoying, tens of accounts.

91 mensajes, 4 páginas:  1 23 4 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

Resultado: +0

61. alex,

playroom is not blocked in all countries
i'm using vpn just because i want to be anonymous on the internat and unblock websites
about my friends
bajy and bajo will not come cause abdulrahman has banned, also me i'll not come with thehm until he got unbanned or waiting 20 days
about bobo and bibo
bobo with his bro bibo whent to bern and they can't open right now cause they have internet problem in bern

aminiel: abdulrahman has contacted you again for the log
please read the email and download the log and you'll know that fawaz is liar
read what he said

Resultado: +0

Última edición por alex, 01.08.2014 00:04:55

62. abdullah,

alex, USA not block any web site.
are you sure?

Resultado: +0

63. alex,

i know they not blocking websites
but i'm using vpn so i'll be unanmus

Resultado: +0

64. afrim,

Hello again,
The 61st comment of this topic, which belongs to Alex, proved who's Abdulrahman and his accounts.
and now my question is: why won't be other accounts active now that Abdulrahman is band?
He's talking regardless!
If I were an admin or a webmaster, I wouldn't need more proofs!

Resultado: +0

65. Aminiel,

You have made me mad. I don't know who is right and who is wrong with all your stupidities. I have no time, I'm not interested in doing police, I'm not fluent enough in english, and I don't understand any arabic to clear this out.

Behave like adults: don't accuse people for nothing, and don't tell that they are liar even if it might be true; saying that you are right because the other guy is a liar is children thinking, this will lead you nowhere in life. If you don't like someone, block it, period. Blocking feature is made exactly for that purpose.

I'm fed up with this battle. Continue like this and all those who posted in this topic will take a preventive ban of at least 15 days.

If you keep going even more, remember that I could block an entire country or even close the whole english playroom if I want to; I could also simply forbid all chat and then you will just be reduced to allmost like bots. I would be very sad to do something like that, I hate doing police and it's not in playroom's philosophy, but if it's the only solution, or if I'm forced by someone to do it, I will do it. Then go explain this to your friends and your countrymen why they are blocked or are no longer able to talk allthough they did nothing bad.

Some of you talked about VPN. Except special cases, connecting through VPN is normally forbidden. Most of VPN users are using them for doing bad things: multiple accounts, spam, excess of anonymity, illegal stuff, and such. We are unfortunately not there to give freedom of speech in places where it is restricted, how bad and sad it can be. Sorry but it's not our role, too bad we are just a gaming platform.

Please, please, peace in the world.

Resultado: +1

66. Fawaz,

When I created this topic I didn't want to go crazy like this way.
But dear Aminiel, these people show how they're disturbed by his accounts - unfortunately. -
We tried blocking but Play room has most of the time more than 100 online just in English section.
And We like chatting and have fun in Free table so this guy when join and acting stupids its really doesn't make sense.
not always same person is master, so he is able to join anyway.
so imagine, coming with 3-4 accounts and chatting with himself, its really kind of spamming and insulting.
eg: Alex says: hello Abdulrahman, Are you in skype?
Abdulrahman says: hi alex yes i'm in skype you can call me.
Alex says: ok I will call you now.
like these type of conversation.
He can send three messages even under a second,
cause he put 2 on chat box and one in clipboard.
We tried to give him advices like Abdulrahman come with only one account and chat and have fun with us, but
not giving attention.
So we didn't have another solution except reporting to you guys.
As I mentioned in my topic and as logs and his replies show,
its very obvious all these are his accounts.
and I don't think to know that need an English scholar or FBI.
Also pr's rules not allowed to create multiple accounts, and that what he did exactly.
And by the way, what about Arabic? who spoke Arabic here?
and from his previous connections You guys can't check Mac-IP addresses? sounds odd.
Anyway, when I created this post I didn't want to make chaos or any kind of irritation to you at all,
all I wanted make this play room quite enjoyable and much fun for players without any irritations.
If you ignored this I'M afraid in the future all members will create few accounts and do the same,
it will be so boring and will makes players
hate the platform.
thanks a lot for your reply and consider our request please.

Resultado: +1

67. afrim,

We are behaving like adults but people who do not have arguments on how to deal with his problems cannot behave in other way except childish and selfish. We do not want to cause trouble on playroom or to any person on here but we are just trying to show who is right and who is wrong on this forum. in this case, all the playroom knows who is abdulrahman and what does he do everyday. You said that multiple accounts on playroom are forbidden. But not everybody on this world is honest so they do not care what is legal and illegal.

Please consider helping us on this enormous problem so these players who commented here and those who didn't participated on this topic will not suffer from this guy.

Good work and thank you for your reply.

Resultado: +0

68. Aminiel,

The big problem is that I can no longer sort out who is right and who is wrong. IF it was crystal clear, I would already have banned the offending people.

Someone send a log by e-mail. Then someones else sent another one pretending that what this other guy was saying was lies, and that he created fake logs. This points out another true problem, but let's forget it for a while.

If everybody accuse the other partie of being liar and being fake log makers, I can't do anything. It's a person against another person. I don't know anyone here, so there is no one I can trust more than another.

The only way something can be reliable is when you are caught on the run. Unfortunately, we need moderators to be able to catch people on the run, currently we haven't, and again we don't know anyone to trust. This, in fact, is the central problem of the playroom in english. The spanish version has the same problem. IF you have the miracle solution, do show it to us urgently.

And by the way, what about Arabic? who spoke Arabic here?

Here nobody, but someone sent an e-mail with logs containing words presumabely in arabic. I don't speak arabic, so I'm unable to judge at all if it's good or bad words. These logs don't help at all.

Sorry not being able to help a lot. I understand that the situation is bad for half of you, but please understand that I can't just ban someone because someone else says « ban him ». This would be too easy.

I don't want to press on the red button, but at the same time I really don't know what to think and what to do. Sorry, really sorry.

Resultado: +1

Última edición por Aminiel, 01.08.2014 14:53:45

69. alex,

hi aminiel
dont think only abdulrahma nhas only 1 log
also me, and 2 canadian bros bajy and bajo.

also swiss bros: bobo and bibo has got multiple logs
if you want proofs from them: they'll contacting you, and also me i'll contact you soon and you'll know that's the lies will end
and you allreddy believed only 0.05 percent of people in playroom that're think i have more than 1 account
i'm not against playroom rules
and i'm not enemy of administrator or the team
so: i f you want to sord who's right and who's wrong
the proof will shows from my friends
and: you must believ at leest 50 percent of the people in the english part,
not only 0.05 percent of the english part or 0.00001% in 6 different languages

the lies will end
and fawaz's friends will end with the ban
what do you mean of the 61th reply?
i have only 1 account: and the administrator or webmaster know this
"so imagine, coming with 3-4 accounts and chatting with himself, its really kind of spamming and insulting.
eg: Alex says: hello Abdulrahman, Are you in skype?
Abdulrahman says: hi alex yes i'm in skype you can call me.
Alex says: ok I will call you now.
like these type of conversation. "
i'm not mental to chat with my self
and i allreddy have friends and i ahve only 1 account
about this comversation: we not allways chat at saym thing about skaype
"He can send three messages even under a second,"
it's impossible
maybe if you mean 5 seconds, it's normal
i'm using e-speak with speed100 with boost
I'm Native english speaker, so i can understand the fastest speed of the screenreeder with also boost
so dont think i'm stupid to chat with my self
I'm sane

Resultado: +0

Última edición por alex, 01.08.2014 16:46:12

70. LaraStardust,

dear aminual
sorry for the miss spelling of your name
for final facts of abdulrahmen and his accounts let me point a few things out for you sir:
first of all, if you study the english gramma of fowaz imthechampraki afrim fjj and i, you will see that we are well spoken and do not use incorrect gramma unlike abdulrahmen, alex, bajy, bajo, bibo, bobo, and the rest of them who make simular mistakes witch were undoutidly shown in the log sent by fowaz.
I also understand your frustrations in this matter as it is unclear from an outsiders point of view who is the victim/victims and who is the liar/liars.
However abdulrhamen and his accounts have failed to point one thing out:
they say "fowaze is my enemy" "fjj is my enemy" etc
but what they dont say is that "fowaz and fjj are same, or imthechampraki and fowaze are the same." And the simple reason for this is that they are not. Therefore, know one on fowazes side is breaking the rules. However abdulrahmen alex and them lot have clearly stated that they break one rule with the vpn whitch you said yourself is agaisnt the rules, secondly they have been unable to come up with any conclusive evidence that suggests that they are not the same person.
In short the amount of evidence to show abdulrahmen having multipol accounts clearly outweighs the evidence for us being liars.
I hope this helps your final conclusion.
If it would help i can translate this into french or whitch language you prefer.
Excellent work by the way the 99 game was a real top hit for us gamers.
Keep it up
Kindest regards

Resultado: +0

71. alex,

i don't have incorrect grammer
so: on't try to lie, cause you don't know me well
i'm alex john andru joh vorsky from the states
and english is my native language
so don't try to lie: cause this is not wrong to say: fawaz is abdulrahman's enemy and fjj is abdulrahman's enemy. it's saym, and also we can say:
fawaz and fjj are enemies of abdulrahman
it's 100% saym
about vpn: vpn is not breaking rules of playroom: cause i'm using it normaly for to be anonymous

Resultado: +0

Última edición por alex, 01.08.2014 18:33:44

72. Paddy_Irishman,

Look, yeah amaniel, this might be pressurizing you on what to believe and that, but isn't it encourage in the rules to report abuse, and also there is a policy that someone cannot have more than 1 account?

Resultado: +0

73. Aminiel,

about vpn: vpn is not breaking rules of playroom: cause i'm using it normaly for to be anonymous

I should ban you just for that. If you aren't doing something bad, you have no reason to be anonymous on the playroom. Nobody is going to kill you or throw you to jail just because you are playing on the playroom. You aren't even the target of customized ads. So, really, no reason to hide yourself from the devil.

i don't have incorrect grammer

Lol! This is the only sentance in the world you must really never make a misstake in. I'm not a native english speaker, so I just miss many errors and do a lot myself, but this one, sorry, too big to fail. Game over.

Look, yeah amaniel, this might be pressurizing you on what to believe and that, but isn't it encourage in the rules to report abuse, and also there is
a policy that someone cannot have more than 1 account?

You are completely right. Two things to note however:

  • Abuses should ideally never be reported publicly, in a place where everyone can read everything like on this forum. If everything had started by an e-mail directly to the staff, it would have certainly been easier. This time it's too late, but remember it for next time: never, really never, report abuses on a public space.
  • The only one account per person rule has to be respected, right like all other rules. The thing is that, as always, we can only punish those we catch; we aren't enough admins to take down all multis. if we would take more time to find them, it would also be less time to make more enjoyable stuff like new games or new features.

Resultado: +1

Última edición por Aminiel, 01.08.2014 20:35:27

74. alex,

i'm using vpn to be anonmus not in palyroom, inpaltalk or other famus chat software
i'n not using vpn mainly in playroom
thats i mean
i'm not breaking playroom rules

about my grammer: i didn't make a mistake
you allredy said your native language is not english
so how did you know my sentence is wrong?


you're right
creating multiple accounts is prohibited
and me: i'm using only 1 and also my friend abdulrhman using 1 also

Resultado: +0

Última edición por alex, 01.08.2014 20:48:52

75. marino,

hi admin
thanks for banning that annoying person
he allways con others by saying
bobo says: hi: i'm bobo, a 60 years old from switzerland

and so on
thank you for banning them
i'm very happy

i'm now in the fun
best regards
marino jackson

Resultado: +0

Última edición por marino, 01.08.2014 22:08:18

76. LaraStardust,

well i think before i start we should join in a personal thank you to aminual for pointing out these facts about us making this public, also we thank you for the banning of the original account and while it has kept them off the playroom it will not for long.
Of course aminuals points about alexes gramma are right and frankly i am roling on the floor laughing, oh its devil by the way, i got to much crit with devil so i changed after the limit witch is with in the rules, so ha!
anyway i think we join together in our thanks to aminual
our plee to abdul to change
and a hope this conflict will end!
who's with me?
who's er, with me?
er; hello?
oh, well i'll ahem! just hmm go sit in a corner and hem!

Resultado: +0

77. afrim,

I am sorry,
Alex said that he was from the United states but he's making mistakes like an English beginner. I am not a native english speaker, and therefore english isn't my native language, but I study it everyday and I can make out what is spelled correctly and what is spelled wrong.
Remember, I discovered one of the most believable and real facts: I could mention his wrong spelling word which was believ while he must write believe.

about VPN:
I can't understand something: in one of Alex's comment: why does he say that he uses VPN on Playroom to be anonymous while in the other comment he said that I am not using VPN in any public chat forum or in any other software?
Is there anybody to give an answer to this question?
I would be glad if I could ever understand this!

Resultado: +0

78. Raki,


I, and I’m sure a lot of the playroom users with me really agree with me, when I say that you guys have created an amazing platform for us to play games, chat, and meet new people.
To me, this server is second to none, I can’t think of one server that can top all the fun that this server offers.
I’m truly sorry for all the stress that this has caused you the past few days.
I also understand your posission where you can’t tell rite from wrong here.
But, you also have to understand that this issue is a pretty big one, and the people can obviously not behave decent.
I, and a few others try to make the playroom a more interesting place by creating tournaments and such. but things like some crazy guy creating that many accounts really puts a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.
I also think it would become really unfortunate if you have to resort to banning certain country’s/languages to solve things.

Anyway, work on what you can, what’ll happen will happen, and we will all email abuse to you guys from now on.
I wish you the best of luck in sorting this mess up.
Best of regards,

Resultado: +1

79. LaraStardust,

i have 4 words
i agree with raki

Resultado: +0

80. abdullah,

i have forwords
i agree with raki

Resultado: +0

81. alex,

i'm really american, so dont try to ly
english is my native language
i don't have any wrong spelling
about grammer: any native english speaker can make mistake
no one can't make a mistake
about my previous comants
before i comment i used vpn twice in playroom
then i just disconnected before 2 days
then: i said after this comment
i using vpn for only public chat software like paltalk
i'm using vpn mainly in public chat software, not gaming platform
hi aminiel: i think bajy has contacted you recently via email
he said yesterday in twitter: i'll contact playroom administration soon between 10:00 AM eastern time
that's what he said, and i think he contacted you
if he allreddy contacted you: please tell me what he said
does he send a log to you
i'm waiting for your reply
alex vorsky

Resultado: +0

Última edición por alex, 02.08.2014 00:50:18

82. MalikAlhazeen ,

Hi there.
Admin, we're very sorry about any annoying, but we got mad of Abdulrahman's acts.
I'D like to thank you for your hard working.
So, Now, I think that everything is clear, Abdulrahman is Alex and Bajy Bibo Babo Marino and all other accounts.
Are you sure that you're American?
So, I'll correct for you just one word in your last comment:
The word (Ly) it's (Lie).
So use the translator to avoid these mistakes, oh American ;)

Thanks Aminiel.

Resultado: +0

83. alex,

learn english well
i'm american and i don't speak spanish
so: it's impossible to translate from english to english :D
about abdulrahman, bajy, bajo, bobo and bibo
they're my friends
about marino
i dont know him well
marino allreddy thanked admin just cause abdulrahman has banned
cause marino is fawaz's friend

Resultado: +0

Última edición por alex, 02.08.2014 01:23:33

84. LaraStardust,

allreddy? perhaps you mean already? "anyone can make mistake?" "anyone can make mistakes?"
"i don't have any wrong spelling" "i can misspell certain words." "no one can't make a mistake." What does this even mean? Can someone actually put that in correct terms for me? lol.
If that's American i'm talking ancient greek, latin and egyptian while feeding a unicorn a dragons feather.

Resultado: +0

Última edición por LaraStardust, 02.08.2014 03:41:10

85. Raki,

hey, he's native American!
I'm not even sure he noes what being "Native" means lol.

Resultado: +0

86. alex,

i didn't say that i'm native american
i'm aisian american and my native language is english
try to understand that
you allreddy spelled wrong and you said you're english person
you typed: "already"
and yes, no one can't take a mistake

Resultado: +0

Última edición por alex, 02.08.2014 04:18:10

87. Raki,

guys, just ignore him.

Resultado: +1

88. Aminiel,

if he allreddy contacted you: please tell me what he said
does he send a log to you
i'm waiting for your reply

E-mail is private communication. I'm not supposed to tell you who write to us and what they say.

Just a few words about the grammar debate: phonetic english, jaws ravages, blind world. Sorry guys, but it's sadly true.

Everybody make misstakes, but some sentances are just impossible to understand.

This will gently end this topic.

Resultado: +1

Última edición por Aminiel, 02.08.2014 08:56:37

89. afrim,

I just can't understand weather I learned english or another language similar to it.
There are almost 10 years since I started to learn English, and in these ten years I didn't deal with any word like "allreddy", it is spelled Already and not what you type.
So be careful when you try to lie. Sometimes your lies don't work, so try to give real arguments.

Resultado: +0

90. LaraStardust,

I'm just trying to understand what alex is saying, i mean people cant make mistakes, doesnt make sense

Resultado: +0

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