Regarding gender pronouns.

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1. Emerald,

Hi this has been on my mind since i joined. Several people have pointed out and asked why i was put as He/His when playing a game when i suddenly realised everyone is set to that. Am I missing something or can you implement a function that would mean you have her and him in games. This would help a lot and clear up misconceptions. If there is a reason let me know. Anyone also wonder this?

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2. Nikola,

from previous discussions, the conclusion was that this was quite complicated for a multilingual system as not all languages use same rules / ways of expressing gender, as well as the fact that since this was not done from the start, there are now potentially thousands of messages to review and fix.
For more details as well as an answer from the developer, you can look at post 9 of the topic located at

Hope that helps.

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3. Emerald,

Yes that was also what i was thinking. Still kind of new so may have missed that topic but i do understand. Thanks for your reply.

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4. TheDreamer,

I observed that people associate the majority of nicks that have some word that ends in "er", with that its owner is a man, I don't know why

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5. YNWA,

This would take a lot of work for Aminiel to change everything but it would be different for new games. Now some people also classify themselves as non binary so I guess you would have to add that to the mix.

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6. Emerald,

I think he could use the word “their” or “they” which will make it easier a bit. Idk. Like one user just mentioned, people assume you are male or female based on how the name ends. Think leads to serious weird conversations after whereas if it is gender nutral pronouns like “they” it would work and then the person would ask are you male or female instead of just say you are male. So for example, cheaderCheese advances 5 squares, they are on their last lap. Oviously this would only be on English side.

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7. TheDreamer,

Generally, according to what I analyzed, as I said above, the nicks that end in "er" are usually attributed to men, while those in "a", to women, although I know of women who have "er" in the nick, such as I was once (dreamer), and men who have nicks that end in "a".

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8. StormProductions,

I for one have too much time on my hands and wouldn't mind being given the chance to re-translate all the sentences where the gender pronunciation needs to be changed lol.

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9. Aminiel,


It isn't as easy as you think. Most languages other than English have grammatical rules which implie that, when you change the pronoun, other parts of the sentance has also to be modified.

Many languages are like French, where you have to match adjectives in gender and number, and that's almost all. But some are much more complicated.

  • There are cases in german (accusative, dative, etc.)
  • Some languages have name terminations according to gender and number
  • Some languages don't require adjectives to be matched in gender and number, but rather direct or indirect object instead or in addition to; it looks like italian is in that case
  • Some languages have more numbers than just singular and plural; it looks like russian is in that case

So it's impossible to be perfect, and I don't think it's worth the effort.
As a bonus, nowadays, there are people who consider that they are neither male or female, what makes the thing even more complicated.

I don't want to be perceved as sexist, macho or the like, as I'm really not like that. I hope you are able to take things apart enough to not be offensed by such a thing. But I hope you will understand that this is quite complicated for what it brings.

Just to let you know: IN newer games, I'm trying to avoid saying "he" or "him" so to avoid the problem altogether, and keep the sentances as neutral as possible.
I'm doing the same in real life when I don't know well if I have to adresse to a person using first or third person (english hasn't this problem), I try to avoid saying "tu" or "vous" in french. This is quite a style exercise

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