possible suggestions for new games and more...

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1. kain,

Hi volks
First I want to say that I'm not a native speaker in English, my mother tongue is German, so I'm sorry for mistakes :)

I've some suggestions for new games and I'm sure you can realice them:
The first ist "Mensch ärgere dich nicht", a game invented in Germany. Here is the link to the french and english wikipedia articles:
I'm sure this game isn't very difficult to realice.

2nd suggestion: the game of life

3rd: Blackjack, a card game played in most of the casinos in world

Than I've some things to say about battleship:
I can just fire one shot per round but I've more than a ship. Can you please make that you can shot with every ship you have one time?
And you can add some rules like sea mines or that between 2 ships must be a free field

- Kain

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2. Aminiel,


1° - games in the ludo family have already been proposed multipple times. This is actually a good candidate for the next game, thank you for supporting this suggestion once again.

2° - This is a good idea too. However, there is a big problem there: I don't own a copy of this game myself; so if I want to propose it, someone must scan precisely all cards, tokens, board, complete rules, etc. and send them to me. It may not be legal. It is also quite similar to monopoly, so perhaps less interesting for most people.

3° - I have already said why I wasn't for adding black jack in the playroom. First, I'm not completely clear myself with the rules, and secondly this is in fact not really a multiplayer game, since you always play against the bank and since there is no real interaction between players.

4° - Good idea for the option to shot again when touching a ship. But I don't understand the two other suggestions, can you explain a little more ?

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Última edición por Aminiel, 18.09.2012 17:25:41

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