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1. YNWA,

When talking about letters and numbers yesterday I was thinking of codes and we could have a code challenge for Duck racing. Nothing too complicated so I suggest only using short words. These would be plus or minus challenges.

Lets say we have a minus 2 challenge for the word cat. Our word would be C minus 2 gives A, A minus 2 gives Y and T minus 2 gives R. You would have to type in the letters AYR to get the correct answer for the word cat.

If the challenge was cat plus 2 you would have to type in the letters ECv to give the code for cat. C plus 2 gives e, A plus 2 gives C and T plus 2 gives V.

I suggest only having a small list of common words, maybe about 20 words to choose randomly from.

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2. Emrah20,

This idea is good.

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3. RedHotCharliePepper,

It's interesting and challenging at the same time.

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4. Nikola,

I like it too but I suppose it won't be done due to the way speed challenges are done now.
The problem is that this would have to disable all single letter shortcuts, which isn't really good.
For example, if you had to type Q, you couldn't press Q anymore to leave the table.

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4 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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