hello everyone! I have noticed an error in the subscriptions here in the room. First of all, I want to clarify that my original language is Spanish and, therefore. there could be meaningless words. excuse that. Well, in that section it only shows us the threads to which we subscribed, right? Today I began to review said section, and threads appeared to me which, when reviewing the button, appeared to subscribe and not unsubscribe, anyway, it was in said section, even threads from other languages such as English or French (of course I was in the Spanish section) when I didn't even know of the existence of said threads and of course, I wasn't subscribed. Just that, I've noticed many more errors in the forum but they're small, well without counting what happened after that server restart due to the problem and I suppose they've already been reported. greetings!
Resultado: +0
2. Nikola,
Hello, did you perhaps subscribe to an entire forum?
If you do this, all topics created in that forum will be in your subscriptions. You can check all topics/forums you are subscribed to, as well as unsubscribe from any of them in your account settings/subscriptions and notifications. The direct link to that page is https://qcsalon.net/en/notifications
That being said, since the latest server update, there have been some issues where people using the forum via the client received it in a completely different language. After the latest update I wasn't able to reproduce this anymore, but you may be experiencing the same problem if checking your subscriptions above doesn't help.
Resultado: +1
3. Caliban,
hello! Apparently yes, it is a problem mentioned in the last post. I am not subscribed to any complete forum, besides that at least with this account (I say because I had another and I deleted it) I never touched on a topic from the English room, I entered now to report this, believing that it could be an error that may or may not have been known for correction. Nothing, from what I see, the other threads in the forum have also been altered, such as last participations, where threads appear in which his last post is even before he even knew the community. so nothing, a little problem from the forum
Resultado: +0
4. thePleyroom,
yes. I have been experiencing the same problem as well. in fact I noticed this before the server restart that happened last week. I just thought I had maybe subscribed by mistake and unsubscribed from all. but after few days, some other topics appear in that section from the French forum, and I can't even unsubscribe because the button shows subscribe to this topic not unsubscribe.
Resultado: +0
5. Exink,
In a related note, I've noticed that in the latest participations section on the forum while using the Windows client, there are posts where I'm completely sure I've not posted anything. And if I say so is because such topics don't appear on the web version.
Update: it looks like that this issue was fixed by changin my client language to English and then going back to Spanish, which is my native language.
Update 2: No, this issue has not been fixed. I'm 100% sure this time.