There is a very strange bug when ppl leave the table and return to main room. the message says bash has joined cork, Negaar, Urh2006 and 34 other people at a table of Main room. instead bash is in the main room. Can it be solved?
Resultado: +0
2. Emerald,
It don’t seem like much of a bug, its just telling you someone joined the main room with the rest of people.
Resultado: +0
3. glad,
but its says free table of main room its strange and a bit funny.
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4. Nikola,
It doesn't say free table, it says a table.
Technically speaking, the main room is also a kind of table, even if it isn't a game. In French or some other languages, for example, you can also chat on the main room. In English this had to be disabled due to way too much abuse.
I would consider this an unnecessary announcement, although it's probably extremely low priority. I'm also not convinced that this happens whenever someone leaves a table. I think it happens when someone specifically presses CTRL+J to join a player who is in the main room, although global messages became a little buggy in general recently, so my information could also be incorrect.