Monopoly: Unable To Decide On Or View Trades On Mobile

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1. Elinoria,


I am using an Android tablet, specificly a braille note touch plus.

When a player proposes a trade to me in Monopoly, I am unable to view what the trade is, accept it, or decline it.

Resultado: +0

2. Nikola,

for viewing what the trade is, normally your screen reader should automatically speak it, and if you miss it, it should be in the history, just like any other game message.

For accepting or refusing a trade, you should have the buttons in the actions menu.

Resultado: +1

3. Elinoria,

When I click on the accept button, the screen remains frozen and does not perform the action. When I press refuse, the activated rules are repeated.

Resultado: +0

4. Nikola,

at the moment I can't reproduce this, so let's see what happens.

If pressing refuse repeats the game rules, that suggests to me there is no active trade at the moment, because it may have been cancelled.

However, this sounds like a bug someone told me about, but at this time I have no information on how it happens or if it even exists at all, the information I received was quite limited.
Essentially, in some cases, the bot proposes a trade to you, but it kind of looks like an empty trade with no information about the proposal. I mention this since you said you can't view the trade itself, and in that case that would make sense. That situation also causes being unable to accept or refuse it, even on Windows.

So, if you have no information about the trade at all, in case you can encounter this bug again, could you send a history report when it happens? Just make sure not to disconnect/refresh the Web client page before sending the report, and make sure to choose game report. Mention in the comment that it is about this trading bug report, and I'll see if I can get more useful information.
Since you are on Android, you will have to leave the table before you can send a report from the functions and more menu in the main room.

Of course, just copy-pasting the relevant part here is also an option, I suggested the report since I think it would be easier to handle from an Android device.


Resultado: +1

Última edición por Nikola, 20.08.2024 23:15:38

4 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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