please help! i can't enter the playroom with my account

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1. dilek,

hello friends. my user name is balikesirfatihi but i can't connect to the playroom with my account. first of all: i could not enter only with my PC. then; i can't connect to the playroom with an other computers. when i connect to the playroom with my account, i hearing the error message. "you have been banned the server for the following reason: abuse." but definitely; this is incorrect. and i wish to connect the playroom with the same account from work PC, i am hearing to this error message: "you have been from the server for the following reason: multiple account." and now. what is the reason this error messages? what is the solution? i wish to help me admins and friends. thanks and nice time, by.

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2. Aminiel,

Make sure you aren't using a proxy or VPN. This is most likely your issue.

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3. dilek,

no, i'm sure. i'm not useing proxy or vpn. i connected to the game room server with safari, it's gave me the same error message. i think must be refresh my account. but i can't connect to my account ower this website any time. thanks for your message.

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4. LaraStardust,

it would seem someone has reported you for abuse?

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5. dilek,

yes! it's true. but, what is solution?

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6. LaraStardust,

wait out your ban

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7. MuhammadHajjar,

If you truely received a ban do to insulting someone after reporting you via the history report feature, then you haven't the right to protest.

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8. YNWA,

depends? he may want a longer ban!

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9. Popoluska ,

and how long is your ban? If you don't mind?

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10. dilek,

ban is 19721 days, 9 mounth and 26 minutes. i don't want to wait my ban. because these are incorrect. i think somebody was bad reported to me. but i don't know what can i do. i speak to admins. it has to be a solution.

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11. Popoluska ,

Ya, but now you are here with that name, with which you are presenting yourself now right, so no need to worry, just rename yourself as you want, just don't use previous name and don't care about those who had reported you. Maybe it will be better, than to try to get justice here, it is impossible.

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12. Marina,

You are probably using VPN. Make sure you are not using it. Or maybe you have an other account as I see, this is your other account and it's working. Multiple accounts are stricktly forbiddin in case you didn't know.
Secondly, sheWolf please use a more kind language, you are not the judge to decide whether it's justess or not. no one gets banned without a reason, helpers/admins don't have any personal problem against any of the players here.
Moreover We did react to your report, maybe a little late, but it was already explained that the team was being formed at that time. And now every report is being delt with since the team was formed and we got that out of the way

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13. YNWA,

To be fair to Shewolf she is only expressing views that many have expressed here before. You would be surprised who is on that list lol! The helpers have had a lot of criticism in the past and I think the new helpers will unfortunately have to shoulder that burden untill people feel satisfied the service is seen to be fair and just again!

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14. Popoluska ,

@inva exactly, that's what i meaned. And marina, I didn't want to be unkind, or even rude, just i am saying what it looks like here, be angry or not, that's my opinion.

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15. dilek,

hi again, i could not connect to the forum and website with my account. my user name is balikesirfatihi. dilek isn't my account, she is my friend. i dont have an other my account. i'm not want to rename yet. i can get a new account. but i dont want to this. i'm protesting to ban. and i dont use vpn. we tryed connect with an other account. it's impussible. but i didn't have connect with my account. i want to investigate my account balikesir fatihi. admin may do this. i think this is virüs or trojan or fake report. could you search it?

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16. Popoluska ,

So create new account, this one return to your friend and and problem will be solved.

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17. fire-starter,

hey there, multiple accounts are forbidden right?

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18. basket,

Creating another account is against policy and is strictly forbidden. I would suggest you be careful with your advice especially if its against playroom policy.
This topic is now closed.
Thank you.

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Última edición por basket, 01.10.2015 16:17:59

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