Password reset doesn't work anymore

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1. Myszojelen,

As reported to me by a few friends the Password reset function doesn't work anymore. The whole procedure seems to go smoothly but it doesn't result in the passwod being changed after the new one gets entered and the confirmation link, clicked. Could you take a look at this?Thanks in advance
Best regards

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2. Aminiel,

It has been signaled yesterday also by french people, and we have fixed it normally. It should work again now.

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3. Myszojelen,

According to the same people what happens now is that after the form for password reset has been filled no email with confirmation link arrives in the inbox.
Any additional info we could provide you with?
best regards

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4. Aminiel,

They should check in their spam folder.

There was a bug but it was when clicking on the link in the e-mail, not before.

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5. Aminiel,

There was actually a bug with the lost password form itself, sorry. It should be fixed now.

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6. Myszojelen,

Hello again,
We've checked at around 7 PM. One of my friends got the email this time but here's what he got after clicking the reset link in the email:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function rquire_once() in /home/web/QCSalon/
on line 18
Of course the new password doesn't work.
I hope you can figure it out. :)
Best regards

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7. Aminiel,

It's fixed now. Sorry again.

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8. el_pichon,

I think that the current password reset system has a serious privacy problem. Some users are getting the e-mail addresses of other people by entering their user names and a password. When they do that, the e-mail is returned.
After that, although the password isn't changed, they have got the e-mail, and they look for the person in skype, facebook, and other social networks.
I think that you should change the system, allowing only e-mail addresses in the text box, or hidding the e-mail from the confirmation page.

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