Hi all. With the latest client, I'm not able to hear a background music in any way I tried. I've already checked all the possible options. My better claim at the moment is something that regard a blocked port by the router. Does Playroom uses a specific port in UDP or TCP protocoll to send and or receive background datas from/to the server? What is this port number? I would like to try setting a port/forward rule in order to prevent the issue. Thanks. Gabriel.
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2. zseli,
Thx four tilling me, how to do a stream.
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3. Giovani ,
And, how to do? How to streaming a music? Please, help me. Thanks.
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4. sami,
Hi. This is my first time posting on the english forum, and I read the questions of the poster. Zseli and giovani, to stream audio, press control p, enter a stream url, and press enter. 2 important things to note, though. You have to be table master if you want to propose a stream. The other people can listen to the stream you proposed individually by pressing control p. Also, the stream you propose must be in mp3, wav or ogg, so files like youtube videos don't work. For Gabriel, there is unfortunately no more background music in the new version of the client: that is, version 1.7. But don't worry, if you want to listen to music in your table and if you are table master, you can always propose an audio stream by the way I explained above. To conclude, I would like to say that I am sorry that I haven't been on the english playroom lately, but I prefer the french. I don't mean that in a rude way, I'm just saying that because the french playroom has things that the english doesn't have, such as tournaments of different games. Hi everybody, sami
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Última edición por sami, 04.01.2013 00:42:04
5. Aminiel,
There are tournaments on the french playroom and not on the english, right. But tournaments have started due to the very nice initiative of some usual players. Same goes for webradios.
You are free to launch a tournament on the english playroom if you want ! I think that many people will be interested.
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6. Mayya ,
Yeah indeed aminiel, that is what I am trying to tell the players about all the time. the problem might lay in the fact that on the english playroom, the english community remains a minority. there is a player who tryed to organise a tournament of poker, and it did not work cause nobody had posted to participate.
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7. bob-de-huisbaas,
I would be interested to orgenise a tournament. Not shure how to go about it, thow. Could somebody give me an example how it was done on the french playroom?