61. YNWA,
Changing the colours Black to white works nicely and isn't too much trouble to find and I like the big Orange cursor. I would keep the original print size and brightness as the same as version 2.
Now I have a bit more time to comment on a previous post that complained about looking at the background colour of the PR. It is suggested that if people are looking at a computer for an hour they should take a 5 minute break to rest the eyes or do something different. I was told that a big issue for those that suffer from migraines is scrolling text. For the PR this is an unavoidable issue but I do wander if even for sighted people having
to look at such tiny print could cause long-term issues. I Can't say I am an expert but I do know in the past that a teacher did require glasses due to reading our braille essays in English and that was less than a year... and this is why I suggest what I said above. I know people can change them but not everybody will as some will just not bother with altering the settings.
Wile I am here I briefly went through the helpers new help Q & A. Most was very good but you wouldn't want to read through everything to find the thing you require. I am not sure what the helpers are able to do, so I will make 2 suggestions.
a: Have a list of the questions and press enter on the question you want more info on.
B: Have a list of the question and expand the question if you want more info or less if you want to shut it again.
With either options it would make it easier to have different lines for each step that needs to be taken to change a feature.
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