Hi! There is My comparison between Quentinc's gameroom and ofcourse, RS games client. Every sounds are not downloaded, as in Playroom. Sounds are in package. Nextly, RS Games is just in English, as I notice. There isn't option to switch to another language. RS Games client hasn't any free gameroom. RS games has a background music, QuentinC's gameroom no, but It doesn't matter. We could play our, not this stupid anoying music, like in RS games. Private of the RS games system is in password, playroom hasn't It. There is a better option to hide It. QuentinC's online Gameroom client is better made, like RS games online client. Some people says, that Uno is traditionally in RS games client, It depends on the people. For somebody It does matter, You know numbers of cards, what players have. Also, Playroom hasn't option to record a voice messages. But please, this is only short phrase, nothing else. And lastly, there is a forum, good, bad, funy, happy and sad people, ETC ETC ETC. This is comparison by Marco.
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2. wolfi,
agree with you, quentin's game room is way more better than the rs games, and our playroom admins should not care about the options they have they can add the same games or the same options, but they can make it more better than the rs games nice one bro marko
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3. Giovani ,
Yes, shurely bro Ali and also anothers too. I would like to say, that shurely, I'v tested some RS games, for example black jack, when You must upgrade Your money.
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4. basket,
RS games has cards against humanity. Enough said.
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5. Popoluska ,
Can agree with basket, cards against humanity and voice chatt. On the other hand, rs is worse organized, there isn't functions of languages, of history, or my favourite thing free table. So everything has plus and minus.
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6. Athlon,
well, you you can have both installed, so no complain
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7. Giovani ,
OK, but one comparison is also good.
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8. aravis,
cards against humanity or apples to apples are word games. if one of these games appeared in the playroom, they'd be only in french like quizz party, or both in french and english like the little exam, and those two games aren't so popular because it's not everyone who's fluent in french or english. so i don't think we'll ever get word games popular on here.
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9. LaraStardust,
all i'm gonna say here is lol at basket
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10. Giovani ,
Aravish had a true. But, It is something, like compare of Jaws and NVDA maibe or no? They have some advantages and disadvantages. This is, like living in countryside and in the town. Same: Advantages and disadvantages.
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11. YNWA,
Correct Aravis and it does not not help that there are a lot of errors. You need a native speaker of English to go through them and also try to make the English much simpler
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12. Giovani ,
Yes, ofcourse. Or, I did this, that I played the little exam with my friend from Slovakia and we also wrote things in Slovak. Ofcourse, this idea with word games, I must agree little.
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13. LaraStardust,
for making the english more simple, I don't agree. For having someone go threw and check for errors is a maybe yes I can agree on.
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14. Giovani ,
Yes, ofcourse. I must say with this about making English a very simple. This is done just by creating a languages, such as creoles, or variations of English, like Chinglish, Ingrish, Franglais ETC. But, this is a playroom and not a places, where It is inpossible to do that.