admins that's really long

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1. wolfi,


admins brothers and sisters
i requested to change my nick name for a while ago

and it didn't work and i'm stil waiting
yesterday i saw mrs mayya

i got so happy that i finally saw an admin

and when i talked to her and told her my problem she didn't answer

any help or suggestion?

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2. LaraStardust,

first I think she's a miss?
second, yes its a problem.
Yes as the admins don't like us pointing out there utter failure at administration, this post will probably be deleted.
But if you want your username changed it is looking as though you have to delete and recreate your account./
Disgusting, if you ask me

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3. wolfi,

but i want this account man this is unfare.

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4. LaraStardust,

it is, it is a severe lack of commitment on the admins part

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5. basket,

I think its a little ridiculous that you're censuring the admins in this regard. As it was pointed out repeatedly, they have day jobs, and can't afford to sit and monitor children who can't follow basic courtesy and maintain playroom harmony. Quite frankly, they do not deserve this bashing and I believe its time we just became grateful for the platform and what it offers. Quite frankly, I would've shut this place a long time ago simply based on the amount of bashing that goes on. The admins had every right to delete those incredibly negative topics, and were completely justified.

Resultado: +0

6. Aminiel,

Don't you think that Mayya has more urgent things to do as validating name changes ?

She's already rarely present, sadly that's a fact; but she has one task in particular which is much more important than any other currently: finding people who can be helper.

Humans aren't multitask.

Once again, a complain; justified, yes, but already made for the 1000th time, so, basicly useless, as we already know about it.

I get e-mails and remarks saying that if I have time to answer on the forum, I should have time to recruit helpers myself. It can be true, but remember: if I put someone in charge for doing that task, that's because I'm not comfortable and unpleased doing it myself. I'm probably a good developer and a good game/feature expert who can handle and evaluate relevance of suggestions quite well, but a much worse socialist, communicator and recruiter. Equally, I'm not the one responsible for multi-account checking and ban dealing; other admins are better than me at doing it (IP chec and such), and I trust what they do.

WE have established roles in the admin, and it's not time to change. This is completely voluntary work, so any people in the team give the time he has and the time he want to devote to the playroom; nobody is forced and in a fully volontary setting, nobody can be forced to do more; otherwise, at least personally, I would leave if I were under pressure for a volontire work.

Resultado: +0

Última edición por Aminiel, 05.09.2015 04:40:34

7. Exink,

Well, agree with Aminiel, and I just want to say:

Dont you think you have already wrote a lot of posts just complaining lastly? Admins are doing their best and although they haven't done some nickchanges since long time ago, it's true that there are other important things to do besides of that.

Resultado: +0

Última edición por Exink, 05.09.2015 05:22:05

8. wolfi,


what can i say if i have to wait for 2 months or more to change my nick name

what can i say if people are insulting me and i already sent history reports and they didn't do anything with themm

what can i say about all of that?

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9. Aminiel,

what can i say if i have to wait for 2 months or more to change my nick name

That's not normal, but at least I try to explain kindly why we are almost stuck.

If I would tell you now many change requests per day tehre are, everybody would be surprised. There are really a lot.

what can i say if people are insulting me and i already sent history reports and they didn't do anything with themm

Ignore and don't reply to those stupid people, and use the tools you have at your disposal: don't play/talk with them, block, table ban, private table, privacy settings. It doesn't do everything but it let you still avoid a lot of problems.

For the 1000th time, even with more helpers, it would be totally impossible to catch any single insult out there.

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10. YNWA,

Very interesting from what I can see it is not what you know but who you know. I know of at least 2 very good people for one reason or anoher that were not selected and that is the reason we don't move forward.

If you look at my own situation I was told I would be interviewed but was not even after 3 months. If you look at what was asked I met those requirements. I am English so of course speak the language well. You seen from my articles I can write well. Those of you know me know I teach most of the games. People know I offered to do the Quizz so what more is wanted? If I did not care about the playroom would I be offering?

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11. Lemonade,

Well bashing the current admins in public, I suppose that is a bad blemish. If you do it once but to say it over and over and over again, it does get old and certainly will not earn you any bonus points I imagine. Even when they explain themselves you persist. Its funny how there are so many people who are quick to criticize others when they do something wrong, but don't actually think about their own actions.

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12. YNWA,

Agreed criticising is one thing but when you are offering to solve the problems then that is another. The helpers job is a big one and takes a lot of work and effort and I know people that are prepared to do those hard yards so what is the problem. One of those people have even done a lot for the PR already not that help was publically noted!

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13. wolfi,

dear ynwa,

as you know, if you don't like to make new friends, or you're not populer as i am?

then that means we have different personalities

good for you, and good for your english articles

that wasn't the subject

anyways, dear aminiel...

if i block and do my privesy settings there is something called creating 1000000 accounts

and the admins don't care

i have a really good statustics that winning a lot of game and stuff and i have my friends in my friends list like about 95 or 94

so why would I change my account when there is an option called change nick name

also for those who said i complain or whatever

you guys always talk about the admins and say they're not responsible

but trust me guys, don't be scared of getting ban when you're not wrong

i hope everyone got my point


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14. YNWA,

you have forgot full stops. Jaws can't have a glglglglglglass of orhrhrhrhrhrhrhange afterwards!

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15. wolfi,

what do you mean>?

i didn't get this lol

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16. YNWA,

you forgot to put full stops at the end of your sentence So when I was reading it came out like jaws had run 100 metres.

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17. wolfi,

oh i was going down lines. and i'm doing it as my nvda reads it good

anyways sorry lol

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18. LaraStardust,

well from my situation here, there is a reason i bash the admins its not because I have spare time on my hands and have nothing better to do, trust me I do.
do it because the only way progress is made is by criticism being given.
And deleting topics does not solve that topics issues.
While I may have been rather abrupt in what I said, frankly it is what a lot of us are thinking but wont say.
I can understand from a developer point of view that it is difficult to find trustable helpers and things, but you presumably do have the big red button.
If you make someone a team member its not perminant, you could kick them off the team.
So why not do a trial period.
And I love mayya I really do I think she's wonderful in volunteering here despite the bashing and abuse she gets, however, as you say, she has a dayjob.
She needs help with this server, its huge.
This seems to be a cleeshay point but let me bring one thing to you.
I go to school, 8 till 4.
From 4 till 9 I've got this playroom open and am freely available if someone pm's me. While I don't participate in the games, I'm here.
Instead of twiddling my thumbs I could be giving the ok to username changes.
Instead of twiddling my thumbs, I could be checking history reports.
This is probably the same for a lot of the players here.
I'd say a days work, maximum now to finish up the helper thing.
Half a day for mayya to go, right, i want him him and her.
And another half for you to go, right, assign them admin position, send them inbox messages with the info.
Simple, easy, fast.

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19. gaurasuryavanshi,

well guys I think it's already annoying, stop asking for nicknames changes and such things, the admins are busy they have other things to do, unless sitting here and changing our names, making new games and so. we should wait, I am alread annoyed of this, one and the same is being repeated in lots of topics, stop thatt please?

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20. wolfi,

if they think they can do it?

why they got that job then?

we're playroom users and we want our things to get done asap

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21. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes, we wantt, but we should wait...

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22. wolfi,

we wait for 2 months or more, to ban or do anything to player that has insulted?

we wait for 2 months or more just to get nick name changed

i'm not saying the admins are bad

they're doing their best and i proshate it

but they should get more people in the team or work mor eharder


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23. gaurasuryavanshi,

I think they are searching helpers

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24. LaraStardust,

I agree with the quiet feelings

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25. aravis,

there's something i don't quite get here. probably i'll be banned for good after writing this post, but there's a thought that doesn't wanna leave my head. i remember that this crisis with moderators started about a year ago, especially when the whole english playroom was on the brink of elimination. so, how come we still haven't found any more moderators during this year? a minimum number of moderators to help out Mayya is 3. why 3? well, if we wanna get moderation all day round, then we should involve people from different time zones: someone from the USA or Canada, the other from the UK, for example, and the third from Australia or New Zealand. just because these people would live in quite different time zones they'd be able to cover most of the hours in a day by their presence in the playroom. i wouldn't like to assume much here, but i believe even with a job and other urgent things, it could have been possible to find 3 more moderators since last year. i don't know why it's taking so long. do the candidates have to descend from some noble family, have an honorable lineage or something :^)? just wondering. and, the quiet feelings, if you want a suggestion to your problem - stick to your old username, that'll be a lot easier.if you really believe that those who abuse you are so smart and skillfull that they can create a million accounts, then mark my words, they'll find the means to track you down yet with your new username if you manage to change it.

Resultado: +0

26. Marina,

so, Aminiel already said 1000 times that they're searching for helpers, specially mayya. I believe this job would be done soon. If you just could have a little patience, people. Anyways if you're ergent about changing your username, I think just for now you can use the french or spanish part, not sure I have never tried to change my username, I am happy with mine, but probably since they're a big team it would be done faster.

Resultado: +0

27. Aminiel,

I know, it isn't a pleasant situation, for no one. But, please, stop posting. we are turning in circle, repeating the same things over and over again.

For the last time, multiplying topics won't arrange anything faster. I can try to explain our problems kindly, but now, after a couple of times, I'm gently getting tired.

I don't know why I'm still taking the time to answer. You anyway ignore what I'm trying to explain. So, anyone posting new topics or messages without bringing substancial step forward to the problem will be banned from the forum; just to be in peace a couple of days

Sorry; but since kindlyness seem to be unefficient, it's time to become rude.

At least a few people seem to be on our side; thank you Marina.

Resultado: +0

Última edición por Aminiel, 05.09.2015 23:40:39

28. YNWA,

The point of a forum is to air your views and yes some of them will be strong and hard, some unfair and perhaps some exagerated. Many too will be fair comment, just and true. It is up to people to make up their own mind. As long as people are not abusive, insulting or plaine nasty then what is the problem. People are rightly angry after too many false dawns and should feel free to air their views. Many comments have been constructive. and are true. We know for a fact many errors have been made and the process of selection is already floored so people will rightly ask questions. I stream radio plays every other Saturday and if I put on a bad play do you think they are going to say wow that was fantastic. If the acting was terrible will they say what beautiful acting and the play was well written. Equally when the play is fantastic they will say so. The most important thing is they come back time after time. You also get people saying Aminiel what fantastic games you have created. I am sure they won't be deleted like the critical articles. We say the proof of the pudding is in the eating and we will have to wait and see on how things go.

You say you don't feel comfortable with selecting people and that is understandable but surely your English is good enough to read through applications. you can say to Mayya these are the best 10 I have selected, do you have anybody else in mind. Mayya then can interview them and say select 4 of the best candidates to take on the helpers role.

I am capable of doing the job as I have stated many times and I know of a team that I trust and would do a fantastic job here as some have contributed to the playroom one way or another but that is up to you.

If not formulate a plan of action and a reasonable timeframe in witch to carry it out. Also where possible try to keep us informed on how you are going as a lack of action previously has not helped your cause. I am sure that if you are sincere and are clear in how things are going then people will be more willing to cut you more slack and give you time to get something sorted for the better. At the end of the day all the people contributing to these articles have the best intrest of the PR at heart. Remember we are humans and are not perfect so if you try to find fault you will. Just make sure the person you select really wants to do the job. Also use common sense and think would a person really do that if something like an extra account comes up when they are about to get the job!

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Última edición por YNWA, 05.09.2015 23:59:32

29. Cristina ,

I think that the admins did not find a suitable person yet for being helper. It doesn't matter how much time passed since they said that need a helper. I am sure that none of them would be interested to team up with none of all those people who are only complaining a lot and making presure with their impolite behavior. They should be thankful to admins cause they have so much patience and tolerate their unwanted and absolutely needless talkind. And if someone is unpleased of mayya' or aminiel's works, it's free to leave. None of us is forced to stay on the playroom, if we do not have enough patience untill the admins will solve what we requested from them.

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30. Exink,

Agree with Cristina's post.

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