Question about quick note taker addon in NVDA

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Resultado: +1

1. spaceship,

Dear all,
I used to take notes using the quick note-taker addon, however it seems to have gotten incompatible since somewhere in 2022.
Would anyone please point me to an updated version of the same if any, or guide me towards recovering my lost notes?

Resultado: +0

2. Nikola,

as far as I can see, no the developer hasn't updated this addon in over a year.

However, making it compatible wasn't all that hard (it just needed a module no longer included in NVDA by default), so I updated it so you can have access to your notes.

Note that I have not tested this in any older versions, so as a result I've made it work only in 2024.1 and above. I also haven't tested it in great detail (I just made sure it runs, created one note and opened the notes manager dialog to view that note), so hopefully nothing is broken.

Of course, if it is ever updated officially, make sure to switch back to that version. This is not my work and all credit goes to the original developer.

Before you install it, in the run dialog type "%appdata%\nvda\quick notetaker data" without the quotes and make sure to save the notes.json file somewhere. This is a backup of all your current notes. Updating the addon shouldn't delete it, but you never know, so better safe than sorry...

You can download that updated version from!aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL3UvcyFBbk1wT3FLbG5McEdpSTFBX3RpSU10dkd2SkVnQXc_ZT1GeG5vWnQ/root/content

Let me know if it doesn't work, and we can perhaps give it another try.

Resultado: +3

3. spaceship,

Thanks a lot Nikola. Your modifications worked perfectly here.

Resultado: +0

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