Zero hour assault Official version is released!

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1. Felix_Weber,

Hello dear game lovers,
The zero hour assault game we have been working on for 1 year is now with you. After placing the download link of the game, you will be able to find information about the game below.
Zero hour assault is an online fps game. There are various match modes in the game and each of them has various tasks. These matches and their tasks are explained below:
team dead match: In this mode, 2 teams are at war. In order to win, one team must kill all opponents.
hand-to-hand combat: Players can only use punch and feet.
Knife fight match: This mode is similar to the previous one, but you can only use knife and the map is smaller. You can also collect snowflake shards in this mode, by pressing shift enter. You can collect up to 5. When you throw these, they will stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Explosive battle: This mode is similar to the previous one, but players can only use grenades and molotovs, they cannot use any weapons, including knives. When you use a grenade directly, it is not thrown immediately, when you first you hear a sound, after this sound, you must press enter again and throw the grenade. However, if you are too late, the grenade will explode on you.
abyss clash: similar to explosive battle, but there are pits in the map you can fall. Also there are metal cases you can climb, but grenades can destroy them.
Sniper duel: This can be played either as teamed or not teamed. People can only use snipers and last team/person standing wins.
Sword duel: This can be played either as teamed or not teamed. People can only use swords and last team/person standing wins. Available swords are wooden sword, diamond sword and stone sword. You are given only wooden sword in the start, but you can find other sword types in items.
Snowflake survival: Like in the knife fight match, you can collect snowflakes, but if you freeze an enemy even 1 time, it will instantly be dead.
Zombie survival mode: In this mode, teams cannot hit each other, but both teams must kill the zombies on the map. The last team standing wins. There are also houses in this mode and they can be used for hiding. However, if zombies can break down the doors of houses, they can enter houses and kill players. Press shift enter to enter houses.
Zombie vs player: In this mode, the players on one team are players while the other team is zombies and the last team standing wins. The zombies' walking sound is a bit low-pitched. Zombies can only use their claws, they make zombie sounds occasionally, they cannot jump and they cannot use any items. However, when zombies hit a player, they gain health as much as they damage.
Capture the flag: In this mode, a team tries to steal the flags of the opposing team and must take them to their own team. The one who takes 10 flags to their own team wins. You can take the flags with the shift enter keys. You must take the red flags to the coordinates 100 100 0 and the blue flags to the coordinates 0 0 0. After going to the relevant coordinates, press shift enter to place the flag.
Last man standing: In this mode, the players are alone and there is no team, the last player standing wins.
in team dead match, last man standing and zombie vs player modes, the map will gradualy shrink as match continues.
There are two teams in team matches, red and blue teams.
Some matches have a helicopter system. In these matches, when the match first starts, you are not sent directly to the map, you are in a helicopter and the helicopter starts to fly you around random coordinates for a certain period of time. If you do not jump from the helicopter after a certain period of time, it will throw you down, you must press shift enter to jump. However, you cannot jump immediately after you first get in the helicopter, 10 seconds must pass. If 10 seconds are not up, pressing shift enter will inform you how many more seconds you have to wait.
When you jump from the helicopter, you start falling, so you should open your parachute and close it when you land.
For each match, the player who wins the match earns zero tokens. You can buy items from the store with these tokens.
In addition, a player earns score points for each player they kill. You can see the score points of the players from the view ranking list section in the main menu. In addition, players have ranks, as the score points increase, they rise to higher ranks.
Players can also optionally add bots to matches when creating them. So, for example, if the creator wanted the match to be 5 vs 5 (5 players on each team), but only 2 players joined the match, the bots will fill in the remaining players' places. Bots are just like normal players, they can pick up items from the ground, have inventories, and use weapons they pick up.
Bots do not track players, they walk around the map randomly. They will go there if gunshots are heard nearby.
You can also watch matches, you will have the opportunity to do this when you die, or if you choose to go to the lobby when you die, you can do this by pressing shift enter in the lobby at coordinates 5 0 0. While watching the match, navigate between players or bots with the right and left arrows, and exit the match with escape. Also, while watching players, the info keys give their information. For example, normally the h key gives your health, while in spectating mode it gives the health of the person you are watching.
There is also another map in the game, fredom fight map. In this map, there are no bots and no team system, you can fight with players in the map without creating matches. In this map, there are no items like in matches, but there are chests in the houses in the map. You can press shift enter to view the items inside them and get them. New Items will automaticaly add to chests once they are emptied. Although the chest's coordinates are always same, items they will have are randomly determined. Chests can also be destroyed, in which case all the items inside them will be lost, and chest will respawn after some time with new items. When you kill people in this map, you have the chance to receive 1 zero token 50%. Also in this map, you cannot access the store from game menu, you have to press shift enter at 500 463 0. Also, if you are in the same group as another player, in this mode the beacon of that player will be different sound, and it will play another beep sound if you hit a player which is in the same group with you. You can leave this map from game menu. Also, motors you buy while in this map will always stay in this map.
you can watch players in freedom fight map also. C and Z won't work on freedom fight map when watching someone., If the person you watch enters the base, you will stop watching them and switch to next available person in freedom fight map. This will also happen if the person returns to lobby. Like watching the matches, right and left arrow moves between available players in freedom fight map, escape stops watching the freedom fight map and puts you back in the lobby.
Another item in the game is metal shield. This will protect you from hits until its broken when you use it. However, it won't protect from headshots. You can get it from items, chests or store. Also, in the abyss clash and explosive battle matches, you will get 2 shields by default.
another item in the game is invisibility shield. When you use it, you will be invisible for 15 seconds. People cannot see you in the letter e or in binocularsa and cannot hear your beacon, only they can hear your step sounds. Scope won't also beep for invisible players. They can hit you with a weapon.
There is a mine, named tm62 in the game. When you place it, and if someone steps to it, it will explode and everything within 15 steps will get damage. It can also be exploded by hitting it a couple times with a weapon however, there is no sound that indicates you there is a mine.
The game also has timebombs. You can get it from chests, items or from the store. Once you arm it, it explodes within 20 seconds and damages anything within 50 feet. You can see how many seconds are left until it explodes from the letter M.
To create a match, do the following:
Press shift enter in the lobby at coordinates 5 0 0 and select create match. Then, when you make the necessary selections for the match, the match will be created. If the players join, wait for them, and press shift enter to start the match. This menu also has additional options such as kicking and banning the player you want from the match. If you ban a player, they will not only be banned from this match, but also from all matches you create in the future.
When creating a match, you can set the match as public or private. The difference between public and private matches is that private matches require a password to join.
In team dead match and zombie vs player modes, when you die, 50% you will faint. If this happens, you will still be in the match, and you have 3 minutes. During this time, a team member can press t to wake you up when they are near you 3 steps, and you will wake up with 20 health. If no one wakes you up in 3 minutes, you will die.
The game also supports motors, you can buy it from the store. Here's how to use it:
When you get the motor, it will be 1 step ahead of you and you will be able to bump it, To get on it, you must jump and go to the direction of the motor, so you will get on the motor. After you get in, press shift enter and get on the motor.
You can start or stop the engine by pressing shift enter. Use the following controls while it is running:
Up and down arrows, acceleration and deceleration. You should keep the up arrow pressed continuously so that the engine does not slow down. You can stop instantly even when you are very fast with the down arrow.
Space: use the horn
Right and left arrows, turn 45 degrees, which direction you are turning is announced. You can turn 1 degree with the right and left arrows with the shift.
Escape, get off the motor. However, if you press escape while the motor is moving, you will fall off the motor.
Also, others can get on your motor, and if you start the engine and go , they can also go automatically. However, the driver of the motor is always the first to get on, if you get off and others have gotten on, the person who got on after you can drive the motor. Also, if you have gotten your motor but left it lying around, others can get on it and steal it.
Each motor you get is specific to that match, you have to get it again in the following matches.
Your motor can also hit walls, and if this happens, you will fall off the motor and your motor will lose 30 health. If the motor gets close to a wall, you will hear a beep, in which case you should turn away and walk away. Other players can also hit your motor and destroy it.
You can voicechat with people in the game. After you have set who you will voice chat with in the settings, you can chat with them with the v key. If push to talk is on, hold down the v key to talk, if it is off, the v key will turn voice chat on and off every time you press it. You can control push to talk with the shift v.
You can also play the game with a joystick. However, there is no default joystick layout in the game, you must set which keys on the joystick are used for what in the settings, otherwise none of the keys on your joystick will work. There are a few exceptions to this, and you cannot change these keys, these are:
The up and down dpad buttons navigate menus or change weapons while in the game.
The right dpad button activates the current option in the menus, acts as the enter key in the game.
The left dpad button returns to the previous menu in the menus, acts as the escape key in the game.
The left stick moves the character, The right stick turns the character.
Also if you connect more than one joystick, you can use the joystick you want, you don't have to choose from the settings, the game will detect which joystick buttons you press. However, there can be confusion in the key mappings because the buttons and codes of each joystick can be different, so if you connect 2 or more joysticks, make sure they are the same brand/model.
This game supports vertical aiming. This means you can even hit things above or below you. You can aim up and down with the up and down arrows, and as you aim up and down, the sounds will make it sound like you are above or below.
Note: If you are using the classic walking mode, you will walk with the arrow keys instead of w, s, a and d, so you can aim with the w and s keys. Also, the turning keys are the d and a keys in classic walking mode, these keys turn you 45 degrees and the direction you are in is announced. Pressing these keys with shift turns you 1 degree and the direction you turn is not announced. In normal walking mode, you walk with the w a s and d keys, you can turn and aim with the arrow keys. Also, pressing the aim keys once will make you aim 1 step more in that direction, while pressing with shift will make you aim 5 steps.
It is also possible to play the game with the mouse. After enabling this from the settings, the following can be done with the mouse:
Moving the mouse turns the character.
Left click shoots.
Wheel changes weapons.
Right click walks in the direction you are facing.
You can become friends with players in the game. This allows you to send them private messages and be notified when they enter and exit the game. You do not receive notifications when normal players enter and exit the game.
You can create groups in the game and other players can join these groups. They can send requests to your group or you can invite them. People in the same group can send private messages to the group. You can also see how many kills and deaths each group has and its members in the group information menu. In addition, the group owner can add additional administrators to the group, these administrators do not have as much authority as the group owner, but they can still manage the basic functions of the group.
each group must be created in the freedom fight map and each group has a base, up to 4 more bases can be added. the bases have chests that members can use to store items. To put items to chest, enter the base and drop the item with backspace when you are near to chest, or use shift backspace to drop a specific amount of that item. When someone creates a group, the group base will spawn next to the player, and there'll be wall. In the outside, if the door is closed, you can open it by shift enter and entering the base password. When it is on, when anyone presses shift enter, you will move to the base. In the inside in coordinates 0 0 0, pressing shift enter will do these: If the door is on, it will allow anyone to exit the base. If the door is closed, anyone inside the base can open it. The base can also be destroyed, and if it happens, if all the bases of a group are destroyed, the group asociated with it will be permanently deleted. The items put on the base's chest will also be lost. Also, in the chests in the fredom fight map, you can find an item named base_life_amplifier, which you can use to increase base's health. If base's health is less than 2000, door functionality will be not available, and anyone can enter the base. And when the base door is opened, it will be closed in 2 seconds. In the base at coordinates 30 30 0, there's a base computer whic you can access with shift enter.
Apart from groups, there is also a general chat in the game, you can select a language channel with f11 and send a message to that channel with the / key.
Another item in the game is barricade. When you place it, it creates a wall which is 10 tiles in height, with a platform above. It can be destroyed by weapons.
Another item in the game is ladder, which creates a climbable ladder going up 20 tiles. It can also be destroyed with weapons. Owner can also get the ladder back by pressing shift enter.
There is a headshot system in the game. If you shoot someone two steps below you, or aim upwards the amount of your weapon's spread, you will deal 2 times more damage than you would normally. There's an item called steel helmet, if you wear this, it will protect from headshots until broken.
when you aim down the amount of your weapon's spread, like 2 steps down if its spread is 2, there is a possibility that you can hit the player's legs. When you do this, the player will fall and will need to stand up. Player cannot draw or use weapons while sitting.
By hitting the any control key with shift, you can hit the player with your weapon if they are near 10 steps or more. This works only in weapons that require ammo, but you won't lose ammo. The player will fall and will need to stand up. They will also drop their weapon.
There are 3 items in the game to increase health. These are Small potion, vitality potion and revival nectar. All of them increase your health at different rates.
There is an item called binoculars in the game. With this item, you can see players within 120 steps of you.
You can assign your current weapon to any number you want in the game
. When you have the weapon you want in your hand, when you press a number with the shift key, the weapon will be assigned to that number. Then, when you press that number, if you have that weapon in your inventory, you can draw it directly.
you can get weapons on your left and right hands. When you get the weapon from your inventory or from numbers you assigned to them, they will be on your left hand. To get them on your right hand, assign the weapon to a number, then press alt+shift+a number. Then you can get another weapon to your left hand with just pressing a number or selecting it from your inventory. Left controll fire the weapon on your left hand, while right control will fire the weapon on your right hand. If you have weapons on your both hands, reload and unload will not be possible. X will tell you the ammo info on your left hand, shift x will tell you ammo information on your right hand. Grave will tell you weapon info on your left hand, shift grave will tlel you weapon info on your right hand. Shift+1 will put the weapon on your left hand to your inventory, and alt+shift+1 will put the weapon on your right hand to the inventory. For right hand, it will play a different scope sound to indicate you which weapon to fire.
In team matches, bots have the following feature. You can call bots to your side. If you write come to the team you are on with the letter J and then a bot name, example come botname, that bot will come to your side and always follow you. You can write go and the bot name to send the bot back. You can also call all bots to your side with the come all command and send them back with go all.
There is a scope in the game. This allows you to understand whether your weapon can hit something. If this feature is enabled in the settings, a beep will start to sound when your weapon can hit an object.
You can set the item you want in the inventory as a favorite item. After selecting the item with tab and shift tab, you can do this with shift u. Then you can use that item with the letter u. You can put a favorite item to the letter y also, with the same procedure.
You can break some walls in matches. However, this does not apply to all walls on the map.
When you join a match, you can leave if you want before the creator starts the match. When you press shift enter, you only get the option to leave. However, if the match is started, you cannot leave.
The game supports playing YouTube videos in-game. Press F9. While playing a video, f6 pauses it, shift f7 and shift f8 skip to the previous and next video respectively, F7 and F8 rewind and forward the current video respectively, and shift home and shift end control the volume of the current video.
When you die in the game, you lose the items you collected in the match. However, some items you buy from the store may be permanent, you will not lose them. Each time you join a match, you are given some items to use in the match, which items are given may vary from match mode to match mode.
The game has a character system. You can buy characters from the store and they are permanent. Each character has different voices and different specifications, and you can change characters from the game menu.
The game has a ticket system. You can report any questions you want to ask the developers or bugs you find in the game by opening a ticket.
The game has translation support when sending and receiving messages. When sending a group chat, general chat, map chat, pm, team chat etc., control enter will send the message by translating it into the language you selectw ith alt l. You can also translate a buffer message with control enter to a language which you can set with shift l.
Inventory item limits list:
In the game, you can only have certain amounts of same items. Below is a list of these items. Other items you can have unlimited:
invisibility shield: 2
steel helmet: 2
'revival_nectar': 20
'vitality_potion': 40
'small_potion': 60
'hand_grenade': 20
'molotov_cocktail': 50
'snowflake_shard': 50
'timebomb': 20
'tm62': 30
'metal_shield': 15
'7.62x51mm': 500
'5.56x45mm': 1500
'9mm': 500
'45_ACP': 700
'12_gauge': 400
'40S&W': 800
'22_LR_Long_Rifle': 600
'm4_ammo_cartrigges': 20
'colt1911_ammo_cartrigges': 20
'fnhfnp40_ammo_cartrigges': 20
In this section you can learn the keyboard keys used in the game and all their functions:
Alt and number keys, navigate between inventory category items.
Shift v, enable or disable push-to-talk.
v, voice chat
alt v, learn who is talking with voice chat. It will only tell the players that you can hear.
Number keys, select the weapons you have set, number 1 is always the knife and cannot be changed
g and arrow keys or a s d w keys, move the camera
delete, quote messages in chat buffers.
K, reply to last pm sent.
g and t key, find out where the camera is located
Z, find out the zone you are in
f1, message of the day
f2, ping, in input boxes, dtoggle character repeating
f3, turn player and bot beacon on and off
f5, open the friend menu. From here you can send private messages to your friends.
f11, change language channel
f6, open the player menu. Here you can do many operations related to players.
f10, copy the last spoken text to the clipboard
shift u, set a favorite item
u, use the favorite item you set
shift y, set a 2nd favorite item
y, use the 2nd favorite item you set
shift l and alt l, set translation languages when sending and receiving messages
j, send a message to the team you are on in matches
tab and shift tab, navigate the inventory
enter, use the selected inventory item
shift enter, interact with objects on the map, pick up items on the ground.
I, open the inventory menu. You can press backspace while in the menu to drop the item, and pressing enter will close the inventory and make the inventory positiong point to the item you select, so you need to press enter again to use it.
backspace, drop the selected inventory item. The sound of the item you drop will be low-pitched than normal items, and players must pick them up with shift enter. Shift backspace allows you to drop multiple items of the same item.
control, fire
space, jump
home and end, adjust the game volume
h, learn health
/, send a public message to the language channel you selected
o, open the game menu. Most in-game operations are done here.
left bracket and right bracket, browse buffer categories.
comma and period, view items in the selected category.
All of these keys can be used with shift, in which case they go to the first and last item.
e, see players and bots near you
n, see where the zone you are tracking is
shift m, see trackable zones on the map and track one
m, it will open a menu where you can see all nearby objects and track any of them. Press n to learn where the tracked object is.
l, see participants in your match while in a match.
x, view the ammo status in your weapon
grave, view the weapon's info
r, reload the weapon. Your walktime will be temporarily slowed down.
shift r, unload the weapon
escape, exit the game or menus
shift c, copy the selected buffer item
c, view your coordinates
left and right arrows, navigate between players while watching the match, walk right and left in classic walk mode, turn 45 degrees in normal walk mode, turn 1 degree with shift
up and down arrows, move forward and backward in classic walk mode, change vertical aim in normal mode
a and d, walk right and left in normal walk mode, turn 45 degrees in classic walk mode, turn 1 degree with shift
w and s, move forward and backward in normal walk mode, change vertical aim in classic mode
You can use shift with the aiming keys to adjust it by 2 steps.
f, learn your direction, learn your vertical aim status with shift f.
shift page up and page down, adjust map music volume
apostrophe, send group message
alt+x, duck. When you duck, others cannot hit you unless they also duck or aim downwards.
alt+z, sit down or stand up.
to contact us, use these methods.
Telegram Group:
discord: @bar_long

Resultado: +0

Última edición por Felix_Weber, 30.12.2024 01:48:00

2. davidhs1200,

Is there a way to turn down the game's music? It's too loud and I can't hear Sappy

Resultado: +0

3. kaiba,

You can use page down and page up to control music volume in the mane menu

Resultado: +0

4. davidhs1200,


Resultado: +0

5. davidhs1200,

And can I add bots to the game like here? If so, how?

Resultado: +1

6. kaiba,

It is suggested to add bots during match setup. Just click Yes and select the bot team. You can check the section on bots in the help for more details.

Resultado: +0

7. gemmi,

is it a card game?

Resultado: +0

8. kaiba,

is an online fps game

Resultado: +0

9. CaptainMcOi,

Erm. Totaly looks like a card game. Heh. Did anyone experience strange virus like pc behavior yet? I'd like to know before getting something installed from this team just saying, it's past... Might as well try charging up my old pc and doing it on there though.

Resultado: +0

10. NebulaDrift,

sorry to say but the game idea is quite boring to me

Resultado: +0

Última edición por NebulaDrift, 03.10.2024 17:50:39

11. ibraheemmohsen,

Once you open the game the microphone is used for several seconds, this is strange.

Resultado: +0

12. kaiba,

Regardless of the expected matters, everyone is responsible for themselves, especially on the Internet, but in any case the game has a new idea, and this is good

Resultado: +0

Última edición por kaiba, 04.10.2024 00:10:34

13. Felix_Weber,

There is no virus in the game, you can play with peace of mind.
Then if you tell us creative ideas we can make the game better.
The game has a voice chat feature, of course it will use your microphone.

Resultado: +0

14. ibraheemmohsen,

I personally don't care about privacy, and I'm even ready to download real world that everyone talks bad about it. What will you hear if you open my microphone, or what are those important files that will be taken from my computer? Believe me, my device is too trivial for me to care about privacy about it. No Saved passwords, no bank cards, nothing that could make me worry.
Yes, you can hear special things through the microphone, but you are far from my society after all, so enjoy.
You'll take my family's contacts, friends, okay so what, it's one button everyone will press if you harass them and then what?
I am surprised by those people who are fanatical about privacy, especially with large companies that we all know ignore privacy. But as long as we see people being fanatical and defending animals that are slaughtered for food every day, I am not surprised by this life.
Enjoy guys.

Resultado: +0

15. CaptainMcOi,

@13 I didn't expect you to say something else as the games developer, in fact I knew you'd say this. But I'd just like to have some other players test run first.

Resultado: +0

16. kaiba,

As for real world, I spent a whole year with it on my device all day long and I didn't care what other people said about spying or anything like that. As I said before, everyone is responsible for themselves and their privacy on the Internet and otherwise. Really, if there is something to worry about on the part of users, I suggest trying it. On vm ware to avoid any problems that may occur

Resultado: +0

Última edición por kaiba, 04.10.2024 18:13:09

17. chameleon,

what is real world and how to git it?

Resultado: +0

18. ibraheemmohsen,

You can read more about real world here:

Resultado: +0

19. Felix_Weber,

When you log into games that have voice chat, such as Stw, Team Talk, and others, you will see that those applications / games are using your microphone. This does not mean that your microphone is on and people are listening to you. This just means that your computer allows you to use voice chat in the game. Real World game is not related to this topic, but our game has voice chat and therefore you can see real world, zero hour assault or other applications that use your microphone. By testing other programs, it will prove that what I told you is true.
Of course, you can have your friends test the game and bring us players.

Resultado: +0

20. nguyen_hoang_anh,

here is Server Message: Access to the store will no longer be available in freedom map on the game menu. The store is located at the 500 463 0 coordinates, and you can view its exact location by pressing Shift + M.
Additionally, the official release of the game is expected to launch on Sunday. Voice chat will return with the official release, and we believe you’ll be able to play the game without any delays.
Please report any bugs you encounter or share your ideas through the suggestion section to help us improve the game. Your feedback and suggestions are crucial for the continuous development of the game. Your characters will not be deleted in the official release.
Enjoy the game!

Resultado: +0

21. Felix_Weber,

Dear players,
We are working to bring you a better official version. We regret that the official version will not come today, because we want some more time as we find new good ideas to add to the to-be list. Although it is not yet clear when the update will be released, we will inform you 24 hours before the update.

Resultado: +0

Última edición por Felix_Weber, 23.10.2024 00:14:37

22. nguyen_hoang_anh,

oh ok. i wait it

Resultado: +0

23. Felix_Weber,

The official version of the game is now with you! We wish you good games! To download the game, you can download it from Also, we would be very happy if you report us suggestions, bugs for the survival of the game. We are waiting for your support, thank you.

Resultado: +0

24. Felix_Weber,

Hello dear players, I appreciate your patience for waiting to the update. A new version of 1.3 zero hour assault is now with you. I would like to tell you that using weapon's back with hitting players is now disabled due to a bug from client. We will fix and make a small update about that. And I want to remind you that please if you find a bug, use the suggest section or inform us with creating ticket. THanks.
Just a small reminder. After you die, please use alt r to stand up.
We will have a new year event on December 31st. Everyone will be given a token reward at the event. You will receive token gifts during your stay in the game. And you will be able to find tokens from the chests on the freedom fight map.
You can get information about the game and chat by joining our Telegram group! There is a button to join our telegram group in the main menu, we invite you there to stay in touch.
We would be very happy if you report us suggestions, bugs for the survival of the game. We are waiting for your support, thank you.
and I will put the changes below
New in version 1.3:
added a new weapon! fnhfnp45
Fixed aiming won't reset to forward when you die on freedom fight map.
Now your walktime will be slowed down while reloading, and will back to normal once reload completes.
Now you cannot create group base if a base is 20 steps or more near.
Removed heart sound when your health is low and replaced with another sound which its volume will increase as your health decreases and will play in loop, it will not play periodicaly.
Now you cannot jump in staircases climbable with page up.
Changed online and offline sound.
Now you cannot place timebomb or mine in lobby.
Fixed a bug where you get removed from your current group if you rename your character, because it wasn't changing your name on the group member list.
Fixed a bug in base chest where if you try to take an item more than the amount your inventory can hold, it would only give you up to the amount your inventory can hold but but others would be lost. Now if you enter amount and the total exceeds the amount your inventory can hold, it will give an error.
Increased maximum item amount on chests to 10.
If you exit the game while a timebomb is near you within 50 steps, your character will stay in the game and get damaged from explosion.
Added invisibility shield. When you use it, you will be invisible for 15 seconds. People cannot see you in the letter e or in binocularsa and cannot hear your beacon, only they can hear your step sounds. Scope won't also beep for invisible players. They can hit you with a weapon.
Added steel helmet, which protects you from headshots. You can see your helmet's damage resistance with the letter h when you wear one.
Fixed a bug where if you have a corpse menu open, you can get items from the corpse even if it is gone while you had the menu open.
Now shift with the aiming keys changes it by 2 steps instead of 5.
Changed ping sound.
Fixed a bug where you would stay in the air if you open parachute while jumping.
Now the notification sent when enabling or disabling players to hit other members in freedom fight map will be in the group notifications buffer.
Now you have to press shift enter to pick up items on the ground.
Now you can also access the inventory via a menu with the letter I. You can press backspace while in the menu to drop the item, and pressing enter will close the inventory and make the inventory positiong point to the item you select, so you need to press enter again to use it.
Fixed a bug where the winning team hears the lost sound in capture the flag match and vice versa.
Now when someone explores through the inventory, you will hear the inventory moving sound in their position.
Now group bases need to be have passwords for them to be unlockable. The previous groups have been assigned a random password. This also means even players not from the same group can open the base door if they guess the password. Also, now when the base door is opened, it will be closed after 2 seconds, and pressing shift enter while its on will move you to the base, so you cannot close it. The password cannot be less than or greater than 4 characters, and it must be only consist of digits.
Now when a player dies, the death message will also show their weapon.
Added barricade. When you place it, it creates a wall which is 10 tiles in height, with a platform above. It can be destroyed by weapons.
Added ladder, which creates a climbable ladder going up 20 tiles. It can also be destroyed with weapons. Owner can also get the ladder back by pressing shift enter.
Now you can remove invitations you send to groups before they are accepted or refused.
Now you can do headshot by aiming. You need to aim upwards the amount of your weapon's spread, which you can learn with grave. For example, if the spread is 2, you need to aim 2 steps up.
Fixed fall sound playing when stopping watching.
In the group menu, admins and owner can put 4 additional bases. Group will be deleted if all the bases are destroyed. Putting 1 base requires 200 tokens.
Added base computer in the 30 30 0 coordinates. Here, you can see near players to the base, open the base door and change the base password. In the group menu, admins and owner can see when and who changed the group passwords to what in the group actions history for each base.
Now weapons limit how many steps you can aim up and down.
Added sitting and standing system. Press alt r to sit down or stand up.
Now when you aim down the amount of your weapon's spread, like 2 steps down if its spread is 2, there is a possibility that you can hit the player's legs. When you do this, the player will fall and will need to stand up. Player cannot draw or use weapons while sitting.
Added feet and punch. Now the knife is an item. 1 will use the punch, and alt shift 1 the feet. Left control and right control will fire punch and feet.
Added new match where you can only use punch and feet.
By hitting the any control key with shift, you can hit the player with your weapon if they are near 10 steps or more. This works only in weapons that require ammo, but you won't lose ammo. The player will fall and will need to stand up. They will also drop their weapon.
Now bases health will be 1000000 initialy.
Fixed a bug where the weapons hit the chest if there's both and a player in the weapon's range, now it hits the player.
Now motor will be damaged if you crash to someone.
Added a new option to groups for admins and owner. It displays in a small list, which could be cleared by the group owner, showing the following. Recent members who joined the group. Recent members who left the group. Promotions to administrators, removal of administrative roles, and general rank changes. Times and moments when players opened and closed the group's base doors.
In group donation history, it will also display when the owner withdraws tokens.
When you login, it will tell you since your last login, how many times the server rebooted, how many new changes were added and how many times the message of the day changed.

New in 14/12/2024:
Now you will move to lobby when you die inside a base.
Fixed rename this group option.

New in 13/12/2024:
Fixed you getting stuck inside wall if your motor crashes inside a house.
Fixed a bug where the group's owner do not change to your new name when you rename your character if you are owner of a group.

New in 12/12/2024:
Now if you write 0 when dropping items to amount field, it tells you to enter a number higher than 0, rather than playing drop sound but not dropping anything.
Fixed a bug where if you drop more than 1 of an item to achest, only 1 of the item adds to the chest while you lose all the others if the chest already had at least 1 of that item.
Now when watching someone, you will also hear their bullet hit sound when they hit something.

New in 11/12/2024:
Fixed you can fire the knife fast after dead if you had a machine gun equipped.
Increased group max member count to 15.
Fixed flag zone.
Fixed motor beep sound not playing for air.
Fixed a bug where if a player joins someone's match then exits the game, then if the match ends and the owner creates a match with the same match mode, when the exited player reenters the game, they would be in the new match created.

New in 10/12/2024:
Fixed a bug where even if you have 5 tickets but all of them are closed, you cannot open new tickets.

New in 07/12/2024:
Now aiming won't let you do headshots.
Fixed friend list bugs when renaming your character.

New in 06/12/2024:
Now you can see total token amount in group when getting donated tokens.
Now group owner can publish announcements to groups.

New in 05/12/2024:
Fixed group max member count bugs.
Now you can donate zero tokens to your group. You can also see all donations made in the donate history, but only admins and owner can see total amount of tokens, and owner can get tokens.
Now in ranking list, player names is shown first.
Added a different sound when a group member is near you in freedom fight map. This sound will also play when a teammate is near you in teamed matches, and in matches, even if a group member is near you, the old sound will play and the player will be referred to as an enemy.
Fixed a bug where if you have a weapon that slows down your walking on your hand, you can walk faster by opening and closing the parachute.
Added 2 missing ammos to matches.
Now weapons will deal more damage to group bases.

New in 04/12/2024:
Now, instead of being spawned across the entire map when you die on the Freedom Map, you will randomly spawn between 0 and 500.

New in 01/12/2024:
Now you cannot use timed weapons in matches where you are limited to certain weapons.

New in 30/11/2024:
Fixed a bug where your walktime doesn't reset to normal after match ends.
Now weapons will deal 5 times more damage to group bases than they would deal damage to other things.
Now faint players will be shown as faint when pressing e.
Now faint players won't have beacon sound.
Now faint players cannot use items.

New in 28/11/2024:
2 new weapons added! MosinNagant and maverick88. You can buy these weapons from the store, when you die, the weapon does not go out of your bag, these 2 weapons have a duration of 1 week. The 1-week period starts after you draw the weapon. You can buy the weapon again after 1 week, or you can buy 2 or 3 of them. If you buy more, let's say you have 3 guns, after 1 week, all 3 of them will not be gone, only 1 will be gone.

New in version 1.2.4:
Now builders can add chests via the builder menu.
Fixed shift q and shift e keys.
Now clicking the mouse wheel reloads the weapon.
Now you can send message to tickets even if they are pending, and it will become not pending.
Now you can turn by 90 degrees by pressing the turning keys with alt. You can also turn by 180 degrees with alt w and alt s if using classic walking mode, and alt up and alt down arrows in normal walking mode, and alt a and alt d if using q and e turning mode.
Now if there is a wall above and if you jump, you will hit it and start landing, so you will not be able to jump above it.
Fixed a bug where if you are in a platform which is 1 tiles high from the other platform and if you step into the air, you would not fall 1 steps but directly step to the below platform.
Now you won't get zero tokens if you win a match, instead you and your team in teamed matches gets 1 zero token for kills, but not for each kill, the kills should be 5 minutes apart, then you will get zero tokens. This aplies to score points as well. You will also be notified for each time you get a token.
Now scope won't beep for things behind a wall.
Added an option to group menu where you can learn base health.
Fixed you can wake yourself up with t.

New in 25/11/2024:
Now you won't receive map messages from people you block and they cannot see your map messages if they blocked you or if you blocked them.

New in 23/11/2024:
Fixed notification settings weren't saving.
Now you won't be emailed for your tickets being answered and made pending.
Now when your ticket is closed, the sent mail includes all previous messages
Now you can have 5 open tickets.

New in 22/11/2024:
Now you can delete your account from account settings. However, it must be created one week ago or more.
Added sounds when you open a corpse and when a corpse disappears.
Now when your ticket is closed, opened, made pending or not pending, you will be told the action, not just updated.
Now you can disable receiving mail for ticket updates in notification settings.

Resultado: +0

25. NebulaDrift,

cool man I love it

Resultado: +1

26. chameleon,

that link don't work it say it don't exist

Resultado: +1

27. Felix_Weber,

Sorry I was write the link wrong

Resultado: +0

28. chameleon,

Compressed Archive Folders Error dialog Windows cannot open the folder.

The archive 'C:\Users\19703\Downloads\zero_hour_assault (2).rar' is invalid.

Error 0x8096002A: No error description available. win i try to open the folder

Resultado: +0

29. NebulaDrift,

hay! when you push small update to client, without sound update, please don't force the client to download hole game. this waste lot of internet. thanks.

Resultado: +0

30. Felix_Weber,

Nope, only 5 or 10 mb for client updates

Resultado: +0

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