Petition: Screen reader implementation on the next Nintendo Switch

4 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

Resultado: +4

1. stefan_ilioaica,

Hi everyone,
Since the launch of the new Switch console is approaching, we don't know for sure if they have implemented a screen reader or not. However, since they are at the beginning with their launch and everything, I've decided to make a petition and ask for screen reader implementation. If they have it already, glory for them. If not, maybe this petition will shake something in their minds if we get as much signatures as possible.
I know it might sound a waste of time for others, but nothing stop us for trying, right? We are the ones to keep requesting what we need and make any step in the dirrection we want after all.
Here is the petition link, feel free to sign and share it to everyone.

Resultado: +0

2. MountaineerXander,

Well the problem with this is, consoles like the PlayStation 4/5 and the Xbox 1 and Series X/S aren't just video game consoles they're entertainment appliances, and because they have more general purpose applications for things like video streaming, they have screen readers. However, Nintendo has never really been about anything more than games; the Wii and Wii-U couldn't play DVDs, and the only real multimedia functions the consoles will have is an isolated few streaming apps like YouTube on the Switch or Netflix on the Wii back in the day.

Resultado: +0

3. stefan_ilioaica,

Well, you may never know, given the fact that the competition has already implemented tis, and more accessible games started coming to Switch as well, like MK1, The Wale, A western Drama, Brock the Investigator and so on. Sony didn't had any screen reader until they launched PS5, so there is still hope.

Resultado: +0

4. fire-starter,

all of the games you mentioned are also available on other platforms. I doubt the switch will have any sort of screenreader implementation as Nintendo isn't known for blind friendly features for their consoles.
Also keep in mind that the software for the OS already has been written and will likely not receive many new features.
Just what I think about it.

Resultado: +0

4 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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