Who changed nickname lately? And what's your previous nickname?

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1. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Did you changed your nickname? What's your previous nickname?
Sea-lovers previously, The_amazing_boy currently.

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2. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

My previous was Slavista, my current is Lotrando and my next will be Slavista... :D

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3. dementress ,

I was, I am and I'll be Naday for some time...

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4. majoz,

I was majoz, now I m what I m and I will be again majoz. :D

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5. Exink,

I am Arial15, although I was very known as Saniel-yunier by other sides since it was my previous nickname. My first one was Miguelpacheco; although I don't know which one I should to keep. :D.

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6. dementress ,

Change it for something more like you... Something that the people will hear and will say: Oh, he is here!
Chale could be a good option, for example. :p
Sorry, Mexicanism. Rofl

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7. Exink,

Then I'll choose the option "Me_Lleva_ElChanfle; it's something too known to be said from me hahahahahahah.

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8. Sajad-Aliraqi,

All my friends are knows me as Sajad.

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9. dementress ,

But if you change to Me_Lleva_ElChanfle, then you might concider to change to chespirito. Or something like that. Or rather to arial16. The year changes, you change as well, that's how the life goes.

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10. wolfi,

i was confusing and now i'm OneNOnly

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11. Exink,

No, if I had to change it to the next number, then Aminiel should change the font size used in the chat to 16, so... :D.

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12. dementress ,

Oh well, well... Well... Well that's true :p but still.

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13. Daredevil,

I changed my username last month: I was Lugia, which is one of my favorite Pokémon now I'm Lightsaber because I loved watching the new Star Wars movie the force awakens.

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14. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Oh good

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15. BhavyaShah ,

Lots of usernames seem to have been changed in December, or maybe in this month itself, because there were so many new folks I saw in my Friends list with names I had never heard of!
Anyways, I was bhavyashah, as most of you may have already known, and now omniscienttechnowizard, and intend to soon switch back to bhavyashah.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah

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16. Vojvoda ,

I'm thinking about changing nick name but I dont know to what

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17. Shewolf ,

And I came here like morgan, then i was shewolf, then real friend, ya it was the worst name which i ever had and now i am again shewolf. Ya apart of it, that i have or had here unpleasant opponent. Who would even say how big troubles is doing a small dash, rofl.

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18. rishan,

I never use nicknames. I always prefer to use my original name in any account

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19. mohamedhh901,

i am change my nick name
my old nick name is mohamedhh
my new nick name is mohamedhh901

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20. ManCity ,

Simpily known as United StarringLikeUnited, reason of this username cuz am the biggest Manchester-United fan on here. And as for my previous usernames, well lets just say to many to remember. Initial username however, was ImmIyazKSupafly

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21. dementress ,

My very first one was diana02067. Yeah, one full of numbers and not meaning at all. Rofl.

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22. MuhammadHajjar,

My first one is Muhammad_abh, then Muhammad_Hajjar, then I'm now MikeyBoy and will swich back to Muhammad_Hajjar after a period of time.

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Última edición por MuhammadHajjar, 21.01.2016 15:51:12

22 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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