Uno league, matches of conference 1, week 8.

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1. Epic_Krrish,

Greetings, These are the matches of conference 1, of week 8:

Table 1.

1.MagicalKrrish vs Midomidomido

  1. Adventure-time vs Egle.
  2. Marina7 vs policeman1.
  3. Adventure-time vs Captain-nemo.
  4. Marina7 vs Egle.
  5. Dalibor vs MagicalKrrish
  6. Mayank vs H-M-C-Z
  7. Dalibor vs babyActress.

Table 2.

1. H-M-C-Z vs Keywasfull.
2. Everyone vs Ashraf.
3. Keywasfull vs Mayank.
4. Policeman1 vs Captain-nemo.
5. Ashraf vs Midomidomido
6. Flavyanu vs BabyActress.
7. Keywasfull vs Dalibor.
8. Flavyanu vs Everyone.


1. The players Dalibor, Flavyanu, Brailkid and Fire-Starter has been merged into conference 1 from now wards, and they will play some of their matches on Fridays and some on Sundays.
2. The time is the same as before so be there at 12Pm eastern US time to play your matches.
3. We won’t be able to have much day off’s from now wards because of that extra players, if any queries then don’t hesitate to contact the Uno League team.

Regards Krrish

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2. fire-starter,

If its here 3 pm when the leegue starts, then i cannot play. If its 5 or 6 pm i can. At 3 pm i am at school so ...

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