Registration for the 2016 cribbage tournament.

39 mensajes, 2 páginas:  12 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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31. furki,

hello, count me in please

Resultado: +0

32. undertaker,

yo angelina, put me name down girl

Resultado: +0

33. alesia,

count me please on tornament cribe

Resultado: +0

34. mohammed_albasha,

i want to join

Resultado: +0

35. the-raven ,

you can count me in too, please :)

Resultado: +0

36. basket,

No, she can't.

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37. player01,

I am announcing my participation if there is room, and then my victory. smiles

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38. Epic_Krrish,

Hey guys, as of for now the registeration for the cribbage tournament has been close but however, who are still interested can always drop their names here or contact any of the organisers to be in the stand by list in case of anyone is absent on the tournament day, they will be slaughted in.

Regards the cribbage tournament team.

Resultado: +0

39. player01,

i have an obligation tomorrow and will not be able to play. If I play, I will be forced to throw the event because we will not be finished before my engagement begins. I apologize for this last minute discovery.

Resultado: +0

39 mensajes, 2 páginas:  12 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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