I would like to respond to a comment that I saw in the forum...

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1. Sylphrena,

I'm sorry, but I see that in another thread, one of you unimportant people said something along the lines of, "He might be Trump for all I care, on this forum, I believe everyone has the right to be the same level of important,"

Excuse me, how dare you claim that internationally known businessman, powerful, cure to all of our economic issues, the upper mind behind the wall project, the person who will make America great again, in other words, the next president of the United States of America should be subject to same level of equality as most of you? I don't think you're even aware of what you're saying. Are you a Hillary agent trying to make the president Donald Trump look like unimportant? Because otherwise I don't see why would you be posting such things in the forum?Please, keep politics away from this wonderful game and forum where we're just trying to have fun. Ok? It's wrong! It's wrong! The next president of United States, Donald Trump, matters guys.

I wish you a wonderful gaming experience. Don't take life too serious. Just enjoy the little time you have.

Also, teach your children about sarcasm, please. A helper, or an admin, or a regular player. Don't make people regret for trying to do something for all of you, or have little fun via a little bit of sarcasm. Writing a three paragraph long message about playroom staff just because they made a sarcastic comment on the forum just makes no sense. Come on, kids.

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2. Vojvoda ,


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3. grobar ,

Was there a point in creating the new topic instead of replying to the already existing one? I would write a better reply but i have more important things to do in my life.

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4. Sylphrena,

The subject of the othre thread is different. He's asking for support, and there's no point in spamming that thread with unnecessary discussion.

Also, the next president Donald Trump deserves his own thread.

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5. grobar ,

And there's point in creating a new thread with unnecessary discussion? Also, supposedly no politics but i guess some people can freely break rules, just we should have a link on the home page for a list of players who can freely break rules.

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6. sound2,

Lol, it looks like it. Maybe the creator of this topic shouldn't take life so seriously?

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7. grobar ,

It's actually the opposite, the creator should take things a bit more seriously. The complete topic is a joke, i do understand that but he can't realize it went too far.

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8. Sylphrena,

I'm sorry, presidency is a serious matter. Please take things serious.

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9. Lemonade,

April fools day is 6 months and 1 day past, guys!

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10. grobar ,

hahaha everyone lol. And as for presidency being a serious matter, yes if you are from US, but i am not so for me it isn't.

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11. Mayana,

Well, I could write a very long message apologising for my teribly insulting remark, but I've got better things to do with my time. And because I'm nice I'll clarify, this was a joke :)

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12. Exink,

Hello, although I support to Hillary in this, this hasn't nothing to do with Playroom so that I won't enter into details about it. But, why raising Trump's importance by making a forum post in such a place where it hasn't nothing to do? I believe that, as the other people have stated, there exist more important things to spend our time and other lines that should be written with a totally different proposal. In short, please do not spread the bad things from other posts. It's like what happened the other day: in the spanish side, a user made a suggestion to make the statuss message longer than what actually it is, then someone else started saying that they should write a letter and such, but after all, they ended up writing nonsensical things like lol and xD. Afterwards, another person created another topic in the forum with the same goal, therefore the spanish mods closed it tuice, 'cause they did it with the first time.

The point of this is to create another circle. Do you want that for all us? In my opinion, what happened, has already happened.

Best regards.

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13. Slavista,

When we wanted to express our sincerelly condolences to the victins after teroristics attacks in Belgium, the topic has been deleted and i hope, this will be also...

Anyways: Even Bart Simpson, Lord Voldemort or Justin Bieber would be better prezident than Donald Trumpetka... :D

Your precious, legendary and crazy Slavistík.

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14. grobar ,

Agree with Slavista, if such a serious topic was deleted then why is this not? Does it serve any purpose?

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