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1. YNWA,

We have statistics here and some of them are very interesting and some questions you may like to know but the statistics here don't cover them. Although, you can't cover everything as it isn't possible. One of the Games I like Cricket has many statistics covering a variety things from who has scored the fastest 100 to who has scored the slowest.

Over the Last couple of days I have been playing Alesia and Teardrop at French Tarot and the game lasted 5 hours and 40 minutes consisting a total of 34 rounds. Fortunately we are able to save the games and put in replacement bots to cover absentees. As it happens Alesia won that game as The Mak passed 350 points, so well done Mak.

This is the longest game of Tarot I have played in the playroom and is also the longest game I have ever played here!

I know you could play for a lot longer if you played say for 2000 points and that goes for other game
Has anybody played longer? what game? How many points did you play for? and How long did it last! It will be interesting to here.

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2. Paddy_Irishman,

Played a farkle game once which lasted almost the same amount of time (though i think it was 5 hrs 10 mins) with the starting score being 200, 100 to bank, and the score limit set to 15000.

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3. MuhammadHajjar,

The longest ever game I've played here so far is a monopoly game against Riad, which has lasted for more than 2 days because of the equal between us. Of course, if not longer than that. Correct me Riad if I'm wrong, it might have lasted more than the mentioned.

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4. Riad,

No, I think it lasted for 22 hours, and we staid more than 8 months playing it, saving and restoring, from September 2014 till April/May 2015, lol! And I ended it with like 70000 points!

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5. YNWA,

Your Monopoly game counts as you have to save long games. It is the same with Chess you can just leave the board and come back later. Monopoly can be a long game if you play the board game so your game would have taken a heck of a long time. the computer speeds things up here and that's why the game works rrealy well here.

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6. basket,

There was a spades game with six of us, including Krrish, duches et al which lasted for close to 6 hours give or take. That was by far the longest for me.

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7. Vojvoda ,

I don't really like saving chess tables because I am lost when I restore it again. My longest game was with a bot uno game 7 hours lol

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