2017 spades tournament

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1. Cristina ,

Hello guys!

Yes, as the title is saying, the spring will come bringing with it the first spades tournament of 2017.
It will be a team game and will take place on the 4th and 5th of march, 2017. The starting time will be:
GMT and United Kingdom 16.00 (4 PM)
Central Europe 17.00 (5 PM(.
Eastern time 09.00 (9 a m)
Central and Mexico 10.00 (10 a m)
Eastern Europe and Egypt 18.00 (6 PM)
Iran 19.30 (7.30 pm)
Pakistan, India 20.00 (8 p m)
Vietnam 22.00 (10 p m)
If you are not sure about your timezone, just ask one of us, Anabel or me.
Our goal is to get 16 players, grouped in 8 teams. But we can extend to 32 in that case if more players will sign up.
It would be better if who will want to join this spades tournament will choose a partner, if no, we will do our the best to find one for those who will not have.
I will come with more informations about the structure and the format of this spades tournament, when we will have enough participants we need to make it be challenging, exciting and entertaining.
So if you are interested and find this idea nice, don't hesitate and sign up on this topic or privately, sending a message to Anabel or to me.
We will provide you with further updates regarding our progress and add some more
information if necessary. If you're ready to play and win, let us know either by answering to this topic or messaging us privately. Hope to see you there
and have fun.
Best regards, spades team, Anabel and Cristina!

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2. policeman1,

Christina the spade tourney sounds like a great idea! Also please count me in! I am also ready to win it all!.

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3. andkuk,

i loged on tournament

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4. earthquake ,

count me in

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5. andkuk,

i loged my partner kokolo

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6. serbian ,

I want to play a tournament, but I'd like Laila partner.

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7. alesia,

count me please

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8. chipss ,

hello, I come with Betsi (smile)

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9. Angelina-princess,

Wow sis, that's a good idea! I'd like to participate & trying to look for a partner. :)
Anyway, I hope everything is fine for tourney.

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10. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!
Thank to all of you for signing up on this tournament. 24 players have done it in just one day. this is surprisingly and amazingly great for us.
Therefore we extended to 32 the number of the participants on this tournament and we are delighted to know that so many players wish to take part in.
Just 8 free spots left, so hurry up and grab one if you are interested to participate on this spades tournament.
The first of march is the last day of the registration.
Regards, spades team, Anabel and Cristina!

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11. Vojvoda ,

Me and bassti will rock all everything and everyone, each and everything

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12. sunny,

i am also in, cristina.

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13. Someone,

So am I, together with Nikola-Jovic.

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Última edición por Someone, 07.02.2017 19:35:50

14. alesia,

my partner is furki

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15. laila.ali,

hi cris put name of : denizbaykal and mogosog they want share with each other and bursaliefee , ilhan with each other

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Última edición por laila.ali, 08.02.2017 00:24:09

16. Angelina-princess,

Hello sis, I found my partner. That's Dutchess & she also agreed. Please count us in. Thank you.

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17. Cristina ,

hello guys!
We would like to thank to all of you, who have signed up on this spades tournament and who helped us, telling to your friends about it.
We got 36 players, unfortunately 2 teams will be on the standby list, incliding myself, but as we know from other tournaments which were organized, there were always players who could not show up to play their match.
So, do not worry, we will do our the best to be everything alright.
Good luck to all of you and we hope to have a great time together playing on this spades tournament.
Kind regards, Anabel and Cristina!

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18. Mayana,

Well, seems I am late. Put me on the standby list then, I'll be there in case someone drops out.

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19. dzoni ,

Hello I want to sign up for the tournament, too.

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20. serbian ,

My partner dzoni

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21. Epic_Krrish,

I, wish, I could join, but unfortunate, well The defending champion of the team spades tournament won't be there, so all the best people,

Regards MK.

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22. laila.ali,

hi cris ..i with magan if still there are place for us

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23. tauseef,

please count me in I will play with hahaha

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24. Cristina ,

Hello guys!
we have decided to make public draw for the spades tournament with dice rolls on free table, tomorrow Saturday, at 17:00 (5 p m) U k time.

On this free table should be at least one player from each team which has signed up. You will say one number between 1 and 16 then we will notice theyr number and go rolling! If for example, we roll number 8 and 15 number 8 and 15 will be in one group. And so will be for everybody. With that system we will draw group a first, then group b c and d. This will make you sure that we didn't cheat and will make the things more fun!
And yes, you have heard well, the first stage will be with groups.
we will make 4 groups with 4 teams and two best teams from each group are going to the next round.
We will tell you everything about the format and structure of this tournament, after when we will make the draw.
Regards, Anabel and Cristina

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Última edición por Cristina , 10.02.2017 13:15:01

24 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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