1. Cristina ,
Hello everybody!
I would like to tell congratulations to undertaker, who has gained his second title of champion. The first was in the belote tournament where he shared it with player01 and the second, in the fastest tournament from playroom what has started and concluded in this evening. It was a yahtzee tournament, what it started at 7:10 p m time and concluded at 8:25 U K time.
There were 20 players who participated.
Were 4 tables, at each of them played 5 players.
The tables were as follow:
- Prabhu, who has replaced cherry-blossom, Chips, Anabell, Victoras, Undertaker.
- Vero, Snowflake, Ynwa, Guliwer, Aurel.
- Dragos, Furki, Alesia, Andreiuta, Policeman1.
- jose, fawaz, Claudiu, LadyBelatrix6666, who replaced Earthquake, Cristina. From each table The first 2 players, who had the highest score, went to the next stage, where were 2 tables with 4 players who played at each of them.
- Chips, Undertaker, Alesia, Policeman1.
- Ynwa, Guliwer, Fawaz, Claudiu. Again, from each table, the first 2 players, who had the highest score, went to the last stage, to the final.
The tables were as follow:
This was played by Undertaker, Guliwer, Policeman1 and Claudiu.
Undertaker has won it, his score was 381.
Thank to all of you , who have turned up and played in this fastest tournament. Hope all of you enjoyed it and had fun.
Kind regards, Cristina!!!
Resultado: +0