31. Cristina ,
Ah, ok. Thank you Marina.
I did not know this nor the other player.
But here's something had happened while I played another game in this evening.
I copied and will paste here to make you understand and fix this bug if it is possible.
You use a card Challenge on GregMelldoon.
Cristina and GregMelldoon meet in rock paper scissors duel.
Make your choice:
Cristina says: choose
It's Cristina's turn.
Cristina and GregMelldoon meet in rock paper scissors duel.
GregMelldoon says: i did
Cristina says: ok I copied that to report
It's Cristina's turn.
Cristina and GregMelldoon meet in rock paper scissors duel.
It isn't your turn.
It's Cristina's turn.
Cristina and GregMelldoon meet in rock paper scissors duel.
Cristina says: nothing
Cristina says: wait, let's see if it will work.
Cristina says: I will save and restore
Saving is currently unsupported.
All this happened when our situation was:
GregMelldoon: 3 feathers, square 17/30, lap 4/5, 1 cards in hand.
Cristina: 22 feathers, square 24/30, lap 3/5, 9 cards in hand.
Then we restarted the game and after like 5 minute we get the next message:
Cristina chose Rock.
GregMelldoon chose Bomb.
Very strange. This message should have come when the game got blocked.
Hope it made sense the way I tried to make you understand the bug we got...
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