biggest point round in uno?

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1. Lemonade,

So today, I had the dubious honor of getting 293 points in a single round in uno, not including failed interceptions. And no, this was not done on purpose, I was in the lead by quite a lot. This makes me wonder, what's the most amount of points somebody got in a single uno round? I have no way to prove it of course, but please only post the ones that you didn't mess up on purpose!

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2. Aminiel,


If we assume that you have all 106 cards in your hand when you lose, in theory you can get a maximum of 1240 points :

  • There are 4x +4 and 4x joker giving 50 points each, for a total of 400 points
  • Skips, reverse and +2 are worth 20 points each and there are two of each per color, what gives 3 * 8 * 20 = 480
  • Each numbered car from 1 to 9 is present twice per color, what gives 8*(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) = 8*45 = 360
  • There are also one 0 per color, but these of course don't count

Thus, if we sum up everything, we obtain 1240 points.

Of course this is theory, and in practise it's just impossible to have all 106 cards at once in your hand. The most I saw myself when playing was about 350.

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Última edición por Aminiel, 10.09.2014 20:33:53

3. Lemonade,

Wow that is actually more than I expected. However I was mainly wondering what the highest number of points was obtained by somebody who wasn't deliberately trying to mess up. 350 points is already pretty huge though.

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4. Raki,

I remember I got about around 250 points once, it was pretty bad, lol. I had like 3wilds and a bunch of other things.

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5. afrim,

293 points per one round? hahahahahaahahahahahaha that's hilarious! :p

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6. Fawaz,

once I won on someone got 290 something :D
a dude from turkey was LOL.
personally i don't remember got more than 160 at once.
350 really incredible :D
thanks for the topic :)
best regards.

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