How old are you all?

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1. carinchen97,

I am 24.

Resultado: +0

2. StormProductions,

I'm 20.

Resultado: +0

3. godfather,

about 2,783,223,144,3829.660898993
My 0.7383th birthday will be celebrated in the next few nanoseconds or so. Let me know if anyone wishes to join.

Resultado: +0

4. Ninety-Nine ,

am 600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years young, am not old. i hope i'v written the correct number of 0's :)

Resultado: +0

5. Mohammedradwan2003,

i am 18

Resultado: +0

6. ibraheemmohsen,

17 now.

Resultado: +1

Última edición por ibraheemmohsen, 01.03.2024 19:34:39

7. choco,

i am very old that cant be expressed in a million numbers also. maybe i am 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years old:P

Resultado: +0

8. Caoimhe,

My dear ancestors! I've always wanted to meet you!

Resultado: +0

9. Marina,

A reminder to everyone:
Please distinguish between the public forums and the chit chat free tables which are created specifically for that purpose.
We kindly ask you not to create topics like what's your name? another like how old are you, a third like where are you from etc, this could be combined in one topic at the first place, and secondly, we have made an introduce yourself topic sticky in the tea room in case people would like to share such information.
We are observing that the forums are becoming quite spammy again and we kindly ask you to be more mindful when posting.

Resultado: +0

10. Emerald,

So I’m confused. Why is this counted as spammy? Its actually bringing players together and i think that is the whole idea but its just my view. Np.
And my age is non convertible in human years. Emerald cats are always young at heart but growing wiser by the day.

Resultado: +0

11. spaceship,

There is already an introduce yourself topic as Marina said, creating too many topics of similar nature is indeed spammy.

Resultado: +0

12. Emerald,

Ok i see. So what are the guidelines on posting in the tea room? Like can you do polls, ask opinions on stuff?

Resultado: +0

13. Nikola,

here is why I personally consider it as spam.
First of all, most of these topics really contain only 1 2 words posts, and that is not really how a forum works. Ignoring the fact that I don't even understand how just writing a bunch of random numbers is even funny to anyone, a forum is really meant for longer discussions. This, as said above just looks like something 5 6 people could discuss at a free table and joke around.

Something I didn't even think about but which was very well said above is indeed that there already exists a topic to introduce yourself, tell us whatever you wish. Your age, where you are from and that sort of thing.
Moreover, if you don't wish to disclose that info, why even post in a topic asking for it just for some spam?

The tea room is in my opinion well designed for off topic discussions, but really if you want to have a personal discussion with someone, you are probably better off on a free table. Similarly, if you just wrote 1 2 words, it probably isn't a message for the forum.
Of course, none of this is set in stone and there are exceptions, if someone asks to confirm a bug report for example, saying yeah I can reproduce the bug is a perfectly normal message, but generally, especially for tea room, in my opinion discussions should have more depth than this and cover something more interesting, whether is you have a problem and you want help, opinions on a show / movie / whatever, discussing a book, things of that nature.

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14. Marina,

Exactly as Nikola mentioned, for the background and more understanding, please check this topic.

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15. leon_trotsky,

Hi. I am 19. but yes, this topic is spamy. The introduce yourself topic is even fixed in recent topics so... anithing else. I think this kind of post should be moderated. regards!

Resultado: +0

16. Nikola,

If I can ask an obvious question, how comes you realize that the topics are getting spammy, say so and then go and post in every single one of them?
No offense though, I was only genuinely curious how the logic there works.

Resultado: +0

17. cristina ,

Helpers should clean up this messy forum and remove all these needless topics.

Resultado: +0

18. augma ,

hi i am mohit an i am 19 years old.
and this topic is spammy

Resultado: +0

19. Marina,

Just wow, I was waiting for the topic to die alone but then everyone comes to answer and complains it's spammy.
I have no choice but to close it then, though it doesn't really have anything wrong but you people force me to.

Resultado: +0

19 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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