Easter special tournaments.

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1. Epic_Krrish,

Hey people,

The tournament tradition is back!

We'll be running two tournaments in the Easter weekend that is on Friday and saturday. On Friday the 19th of April, We will have ninety nine tournament, which will conclude on the same day and on Saturday, the 20th April we will have solo spades tournament, which will also conclude on the same day.

On Friday we can have some fun and on Saturday to have some hunting of Easter eggs, graphic tongue emoticon.

Both tournament will commenced at 17:00am western, 9:00am central, 10:00 Am eastern US, 3:00pm UK 4:00pm Egypt, Albania and some other European countries, 5:00pm turkey and middle east and some eastern cities, 7:30pm in India and some other Asian countries, 2:00Am in Fiji and Australia and some other pacific Island countries.


  1. We will be taking only 32 players for ninety nine tournament and which will be played 1 V 1.
  2. For spades we are only restricting to 16 players, Who will then play in group of 4 and we will qualify the top 2 to next round.

If any questions then contact me or Fawaz who will be helping me again for this tournaments.

Kind regards,


Graphic Thumb emoticon.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Epic_Krrish, 03.04.2019 00:11

2. Vojvoda ,

Graphic slightgrin emoticon

Score: +0

3. Cristina ,

Please count me in for the both tournaments and laleauaneagra, Albinuta2 and Dragos, only for 99.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Cristina , 03.04.2019 22:17

4. pilote,

Please count me in for both too.

Score: +0

5. unolover,

count me in to the 99

Score: +0

6. alesia,

a good idea

Score: +0

Dernière édition par alesia, 04.04.2019 11:35

7. Areyana,

hey boss, count me up! in! on! what ever for all
termies, smiles

Score: +0

8. trouble-h ,

count me in spades tournament

Score: +0

9. blaise97,

i ame interrested to participate in this ninety nine and spade tournaments.

Score: +0

10. Cristina ,

Please count in Violeta01 and mesterica for 99 tournament.

Score: +0

11. Paddy_Irishman,

Count me in for both.

Score: +0

12. andkuk,

count me on 99 and spades tournament

Score: +0

13. Abolfazl,

Hello, please count me in both. Thanks.

Score: +0

14. alesia,

please count me and alli to spades and kelie and lino thanks

Score: +0

Dernière édition par alesia, 05.04.2019 20:35

15. cherry-blossom,

Hi guys, please count me in for the 99 tournament!

Score: +0

16. Cristina ,

Please count in Marian for 99 tournament.

Score: +0

17. Abolfazl,

Could you please accept my friend request?

Score: +0

18. OrsoNero ,

Hi count me in and I would like to participate in all the two games. My user is RadioPierpaolo

Score: +0

19. The-Chaos,

hello, I would like to sign up. however, I'm not certain if I'll be able to appear, or not. you guys can keep me in your waiting list, thanks.

Score: +0

20. dzoni,

count me in to the 99

Score: +0

21. Epic_Krrish,

we got our required players few days ago. We still taking names in but all that names goes in the stand by list.

Kind regards,

Score: +0

22. PoeticPronouns,

me for 99, I'll be stand-in if

Score: +0

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