Scopa tournament

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1. Cristina ,

Hello everybody!

Unolover (her previous username was musiclover) is planning to organize on the 25th of april a scopa tournament and has asked me to help her out with this.
It will be an one day tournament, so it will conclude on the same day.
We need 16 players who will be distributed in 4 different groups, 4 players in each group who will play against each other.
The top two players of every group will qualify for the next thage of the tournament.
The 8 qualified players will play one eliminatory match, the winners of those will play in the semi-final and the winners of this will play the final match.
The score limit of the group stage will be 11 points which will increase by 3 points for the other 2 stages and the score limit of the final match will be 21 points.
The 2 points ahead rule will be on, but the match will stop when the score limit of the next stage will be achieved.
We chose scopa escoba variant for this tournament.
The tournament will begin at 18:00 (6 PM) UK time which for other zones will be as follow:
Pacific time 10:00 AM, central time 12:00 AM and eastern time 13:00 (1 PM ).
Western Europe and Egypt 19:00 (7 PM), eastern Europe, Turkey and countries of Middle east 20:00 (8 PM), Iran 21:00 (9:30 Pm), 22:30 (10:30 PM) in India and some other Asian countries, 5:00 Am in Fiji and Australia.
If any of you are interested to participate in this tournament then register on here.
For further information contact me or leave your message on this topic.
Kind regards!
Unolover and Cristina


Score: +0

Dernière édition par Cristina , 22.04.2019 12:44

2. andkuk,

please count me

Score: +0

3. blaise97,

i ame interrested to participate in this tournament.

Score: +0

4. Abolfazl,

Count me please, so I will add you there to my friends lists soon to complete the registration.

Score: +0

5. alesia,

helo count me please

Score: +0

6. Cristina ,

Ok, all of you are in and the registration is closed since now because we got even more players than we've planed to have.
We do not want to exclude anybody, therefore we've decided to extend to 24 the number of participants.
Thank you all who have registered on here or did it privatelly asking us to count them in.
Soon I will post the groups after when the draw will be done.
Cheers, Cristina!

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Cristina , 22.04.2019 20:42

7. Lemonade,

Just a thought, but shouldn't it be 20 points for the final instead of 21 if you increase it by 3 every time? you go from 11 to 14, 17 and 20.

Score: +0

8. Cristina ,

Yes, thank you for pointing that out Everyone.
I've written wrong, but it's ok now because I've corrected it.
The score limit of final match will be 21.

Score: +0

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