Jass team tournament draw

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Score: +0

1. Nikola,

Greetings to everyone. Thanks for signing up ffor the Jass team tournament. Unfortunately we could not get the number of teams we wanted (8), so instead the tournament will be held with 6 teams who signed up. It will work as follows:

  • Teams will play in the defined draw,
  • The winning teams advance to the semifinal, making it 3 teams,
  • One losing team with the highest score will also advance to the semifinal, thus making a complete semifinal with 4 teams.

Finally, here is the draw along with table masters indicated:

  • Kure and Hispanista_Dolanescu VS Cristina and Aurel (hosted by Cristina)
  • Nikola and Basti VS Ynwa and Miralina (hosted by Nikola)
  • TheRainmaker and Rincewind VS Blaise and Chips (hosted by TheRainmaker)

Finally, don't forget that the first round will be played with the score limit of 1000, the semifinal with the limit of 1500, and finally the final up to 2000 points.

We hope you will have fun playing the tournament, and wish you all good luck.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Nikola, 03.04.2020 16:36

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