ducks race tournament

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1. eathan,

hi everyone
lexi714 and I have been planning a ducks race tournament.
it would be next Saturday, May 9 at 1 PM US Eastern time.
it would be standard illumination, no groups stages.
we are looking for 16 players.
anybody who is interested can reply to this topic, or send a message to one of us when we are online, or just leave a permanent message and will see it next time we come online
hopefully we can have fun with this

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2. nastaran,

hi. i wanted to participate in this tournoment.

Score: +0

3. thendoftheocean,

i wanna join also

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4. unolover,

put me in

Score: +0

5. Driad,

Put me in too

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6. SametAlim,

count me too

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7. DianaCician,

count me in

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8. Cristina ,

Hello, count me in please.

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9. eathan,

yeah..... I was told that I forgot to put in this information. It would be 30 seconds time limit for answering questions, if I'm calculating correctly, and you can let me know if I am not, the winner of the tournament would have to win four games. Which means that the first two rounds would be three laps, the semi finals for laps, in the finals five laps.

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10. Lemonade,

Ok, splendid! I'll join as well.

Score: +0

11. Nikola,

Sign me up

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12. eathan,

only 3 spots left

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13. Abolfazl,

Please put me in if the compasity isn't full yet.

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14. godfather,

count me in

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15. Adventure-Time,

Yo, am I being too late? If yyes, sign me anyway, I'm a good duck. :D

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16. eathan,

we just now filled up. latter this week ether lexi or i will poast first round matchup's

Score: +0

Dernière édition par eathan, 03.05.2020 19:34

17. medo,

please count me in

Score: +0

18. TwinkleRose,

It would have been awesome to join but I'm just now seeing this. I'm not sure if I'm still allowed.

Score: +0

19. el-soldadito-de-plomo ,

nooo, I was really happy to join, but I am seing that the inscriptions are close. hope I can join another towrnament.

Score: +0

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