Blocked, but still friends

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Sondage: How would you like to block people that are still in your friends list?

How would you like to block people that are still in your friends list?

2 (8%)

8 (33%)

14 (58%)

24 votes
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1. lucy_light,

Hey guys!
Although I've seen this on other platforms as well, I am just wondering, why in the world would you still let a person appear in friends list after you 've blocked them?
I mean, couldn't there be at least an option to block and remove and optionally, perhaps, simply block? My point is, whenever a person tries to block somebody that's still in their friends list, they should be prompted with a dialog asking whether they want only block or also removal, it is a quite logical alternative and I've seen it on other networks.
Might seem a bit useless to still let the simple block, without deleting from friends option there, but it is a thing of choice. I bet a poll would clarify the final variant.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


It indeed looks strange to be both friends and blocked at the same time.

Personally I think we could assume that if you block someone, you are lo longer friends. But it isn't that simple.

Currently, when you are blocked by someone, or if you have been deleted from someone's friend list, you still see that person in your own friend list. That's also maybe something that should be changed.
At the same time, it's a little strange to have someone in your friend list today, and no longer tomorrow, without any intervention on your own, just because you have been deleted or blocked from the other side. Note that you will also immediately know that it happened, while you currently can't definitely know it.

It would also be interesting to have your opinion on this.

Score: +1

Dernière édition par Aminiel, 24.01.2023 05:55

3. elections ,

It will be nice feature, if some one deleted us from the other side, then that person also should gets removed from our list.
the feature mention in the poll will also help to reduce time.
If we block some one, then its clear that we don't want to friend with them.
so after block, and then delete, will be easy in one click if this kind of dialog given.

Score: +0

4. Ryo-Bee,

Hi, for me, blocking and deleting should remove on friends list of both persons. When deleting someone simply by pressing delete allows the person to still read your status as you remain on their list which should not happen.

Score: +1

5. lucy_light,

Yeah, and actually, they can also track you easier, not that otherwise they would not be able to see you online, but the fact that they are able to see when you login/out can make matters worse, depends on the case, I assume you know what I am pointing at, as I do not want anybody to feel insulted by any example I could give.

Score: +0

6. Quintin-D,

There are ways of deleting yourself from the lists of others which would completely avoid this problem. If you know, you know

Score: -1

7. blaise97,

i agreed with ryo-bee above, but another point, this will be good like this also beacose of the limit. personaly i care about it and check that from time to time, but this is a litle anoying and most peoples dont do it beacose this is long to do and many peoples just dont know this. so, many peoples have reached the limit, but in reality many of them have deleted them so in reality this is not full at all.
edit: i have forgot a thing. i dont think this is a problem the thing that a friend is sudenly gone from your friend list. many peoples delete account so of course this make them gone, or there ar many username change to, this dont make them gone but you dont know who is it befor unless if you realy check carfully, so this is the same for a gone friend, if you check carfully you should be able to figur it out. so what i wanted to point out with this is, a litle more or less confusion, this will change nothing. anyway, friend gone hapen sometime actualy so more or less...

Score: +0

Dernière édition par blaise97, 24.01.2023 19:15

8. godfather,

Exploiting bugs doesn't really count as a solution. Anyway I agree with the general sentiment here.

Score: +0

9. amirmahdifard,

hello, my opinion for this, is that you should get alerted if the other person has been removed you from their friend list, and should be removed from your side directly after that as whell, even if you're offline, you mite not get the alurt or you could get it if you next came online, but the removing that person from your friend list should be happen directly, because I don't want to keep someone in my friends list if that person has removed me from their friend list.

Score: +0

10. TheDreamer,

Hey. Also this was a suggestion I was thinking to make since a long while but I thought it was already said, so I didn't want to be spammy or anything, reviving stuff before mentioned but yeah, it would be nice that if someone removes you, they get removed aswell, or if they block when you have them in your list you could be notified somehow, or that person being deleted or no idea.
No idea if I make sense, I'm half asleep now, but, I also think that maybe it could be difficult to implement but @Aminiel knows better :D but yeah would be nice to have this.

Score: +0

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