Another game suggestion, dice forge

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Score: +8

1. codbro,

Here are the rules. Dice Forge is a dice game where players roll dice to gain resources, forge new dice faces, and complete quests to earn points. Players must manage their resources wisely to gain the most points and become the greatest hero in the game.
Each player starts with 2 dice, a player board, and a set of resource tokens.
Shuffle the quest cards and place them face down on the game board. Quest cards have various requirements and rewards for completion, such as gaining gold or sun shards, gaining points, or earning extra rolls.
Set aside the 8 starting dice faces and shuffle the remaining dice faces, then place them face down on the game board. Dice faces have various symbols and abilities, such as gaining gold or sun shards, gaining moon shards to activate abilities, or gaining extra rolls.
Shuffle the mythic artifact cards and place them face down on the game board. Mythic artifact cards provide powerful abilities and bonus points at the end of the game.
Choose a starting player and give them the first player marker.
On their turn, a player must first roll their dice and gain resources based on the faces rolled. The dice are unique in that the faces can be replaced throughout the game by purchasing new dice faces.
The player can then use their resources to purchase new dice faces or activate abilities on their player board or quest cards. Dice faces can be purchased with gold or sun shards, which are gained by rolling the corresponding symbols on the dice.
If the player has the required resources, they can also complete a quest card to earn points. Quest cards have various requirements and rewards for completion, such as gaining gold or sun shards, gaining points, or earning extra rolls. The quest cards are as follows:

To the Glory of the Gods: Spend 6 sun shards to gain 5 points.

Hephaestus’ Favor: Spend 4 gold to gain 4 points.

Athena’s Tribute: Spend 2 sun shards and 2 gold to gain 7 points.

The Eye of Sauron: Spend 3 moon shards to gain 3 points.

Titan’s Challenge: Spend 3 gold and 1 sun shard to gain 6 points.

Poseidon’s Blessing: Spend 4 sun shards to gain 4 points.

Hera’s Sanctuary: Spend 2 gold and 2 moon shards to gain 7 points.

Apollo’s Arrow: Spend 3 sun shards and 1 moon shard to gain 6 points.
After the player has taken their actions, the next player in clockwise order takes their turn.
The game ends after a set number of rounds, depending on the number of players. Players then total their points from completed quests, mythic artifacts, and remaining resources, with the player with the most points being the winner.
Important Rules:

Players start with 2 dice, each with 6 faces.

Players can purchase new dice faces to replace the ones on their dice, gaining new resources and abilities.

Players can also gain moon shards, which can be used to activate abilities on their player board or quest cards.

Mythic artifact cards provide powerful abilities and bonus points at the end of the game.

Players can only purchase one new dice face per turn.

Some dice faces have abilities that can be activated immediately or on future turns.

The game ends after a set number of rounds, depending on the number of players (8 rounds for 2 players, 9 rounds for 3 players, and 10 rounds for 4 players).

Score: +0

2. sterio,

it is very good idea, very detailed and sounds fun

Score: +0

3. Arash,

Hello. I think the idea of ​​the game is great, very interesting and seems fun. If it were implemented that would be great!

Score: +0

4. NorwegianHeart ,

Let's create the game called blind Riksha driver.

Score: -1

5. Epic_Krrish,

Ok imagine 1000 miles is riksha :P

Score: +0

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