Suggestion for private messages/ invite sounds

9 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

Score: +25

1. aims,

it would be really great if both messages and invitation didn't have the same sound. can either change the invitation sound, or leave the invitation with this sound and change the private messages sound

Score: +2

2. godfather,

I'm used to this but it'll be more convenient for sure. +1.

Score: +0

3. Negar,

I too was wondering about it. Pm sounds should be different +1

Score: +0

4. lucy_light,

Yes, sounds should differ in a way.

Score: +0

5. StormProductions,


Score: +0

6. Speedo,

Even I agree, +1.

Score: +0

7. Ryo-Bee,

Just reviving, as I hope this will be implemented.

Score: +0

8. aims,

same I also hope this would be implemented at some point

Score: +0

9. choco,

I am so used to this sound that it will take 1 month to get adjusted. but its ok it will be more convenient and fun to try a different sound.

Score: +0

9 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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