Which games are currently being worked on to arrive? (en cours)

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1. asosyal,

What game is next? For example, is there a study for Stratego and jungle?

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2. eylulforreal,

cards against humanity?

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3. asosyal,

ji'm talking about games that haven't arrived yet

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4. glad,

or go fish? many people were requesting it a lot.

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5. Aminiel,


We don't publish new games and feature a lot ahead, so to avoid deception of any sort, and we avoid announcing a release date before being confident enough, so that we never miss any deadline.
Something is released simply when we feel it ready.

Additionally, by doing so, any new release can always be a surprise for you. Sometimes not what you expect at all, but well, that's the game.

However, you can help us releasing less buggy things, and know about what could come soon a little ahead of time, by registering to beta-testing.

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6. asosyal,

I wanted to find out if there is a study related to stratego and jungle games. Because we've been waiting for months.

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7. Aminiel,


No more, and no less than many other games that have been proposed.

Remember that I'm alone in developping the playroom, that I'm doing it in my free time, that you play free of charge, and that we receive a lot of suggestions of new games.

In consequence, sadly, quite few of all those propositions we got over the years have finally been released. Even if we assume that all received propositions were reasonably doable and interesting (it's far from being the case, we have still to sort out what's totally unfeasable, quite ridiculous, press enter games, and not well digitally transposable stuff).

Note, for example, that almost 10 years have passed since Scrabble was first suggested until it became available.

So I always say the same: keep making suggestions, it's always appreciated, and it keeps me motivated. Never expect anything to become real, though, but maybe one day you will have a good surprise. It might be sooner than you think, or not at all.
I don't want to make any promise I'm not pretty sure to realize.

Score: +1

Dernière édition par Aminiel, 23.05.2024 18:06

8. asosyal,

First of all, thank you for answering. I know the conditions you're talking about, of course. But I think this game needs strategy games. I don't think it will be as difficult as scrable to win the games I mentioned because chess is in this game. In this direction, my only wish is to be able to convince you to give priority to these games.

Score: +1

9. medhansh,

any simulation games would also be fine

Score: +0

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