Duck racing board suggestion: ducks at the school

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Score: +4

1. horse,

Ducks at the school:

  1. Entrance; Take 1 feathers.
  2. The front doors open and *name waddles into the doorway.
  3. Main office; Discard 2 cards at random.
  4. Oh no, *name has been called to the office.
  5. Hallway; No special effect.
  6. Cafeteria; Draw 3 cards.
  7. A good diet will help performance.
  8. Teacher's lounge; Pay 4 feathers and Draw 1 cards "food or drink".
  9. This is meant for teachers only, but they can't help being nice sometimes.
  10. Detension center; Pay 5 feathers and move to main office (square 2) (probable at 30%).
  11. Trouble makers spend time here, and *name is one of them.
  12. Nurse clinic; Skip 3 turns and Take 10 feathers.
  13. It's important to ensure ducklings are in good health.
  14. Stairs; Pay 1 feathers.
  15. Stairs aren't very convenient for ducks.
  16. Elevator; Skip 1 turns.
  17. Ducks prefer the elevator to stairs, but it takes longer.
  18. Field trip; No special effect, or Take 20 feathers, + Skip 5 turns, + and move to Hallway (square 25) (probable at 40%).
  19. *success: *name was invited on a field trip! *name skips forward 15 squares.
    *fail: *name will have a normal day at school.
    Leave the campus for the day to learn in a more fun environment.
  20. Math class; Take 2 feathers and Challenge 1 "math" at random.
  21. available challenges: mental math, counting ducks, first to 15, numbered balls
  22. Science class; Take 2 feathers and Challenge 1 "science".
  23. available challenges: rock paper scissors, heavy weight, feather weight, atomic number, unit conversion
  24. Hallway; No special effect.
  25. Literature class; Take 2 feathers and Challenge 1 "literature".
  26. available challenges: writing numbers, writing braille, the longest word, anagrams, braille cells.
  27. Music class; Take 2 feathers and Challenge 1 "music".
  28. available challenges: musical duel, rhythmic duel, quick sort.
  29. Playground; Pay 2 feathers, Challenge 1 "outside activity" and Pay 3 feathers + move to Nurse clinic (square 7) (probable at 20%).
  30. Ducklings enjoy a variety of outside activities.
    *name got hurt and must visit the clinic to recover. *name loses 3 feathers.
    available challenges: speed question, mine or treasure, shoot the ducks.
  31. Technology class; Take 2 feathers and Challenge 1 "tech".
  32. available challenges: colored buttons, base conversion, digital display.
  33. Art class; Take 2 feathers and Challenge 1 "art".
  34. available challenges: paint the die, pattern reproduction.
  35. Snack room; Everyone receives 1 cards.
  36. Stairs; Pay 1 feathers.
  37. Stairs aren't very convenient for ducks.
  38. Elevator; Skip 1 turns.
  39. Ducks prefer the elevator to stairs, but it takes longer.
  40. testing room; Take 5 feathers and Challenge 1 "skill".
  41. Time for a test!
    available challenges: secret code, responsiveness, simon, jingle memory.
  42. Gaming room; Pay 2 feathers and Challenge 1 "inside activity".
  43. Ducklings enjoy themselves with inside activities.
    available challenges: dice roll, guess the number, blackjack, audacious dice, roulette.
  44. Advising; Take 3 feathers and Skip 1 turns.
  45. Receive help for education.
  46. Hallway; No special effect.
  47. Library; 3 questions in category "random".
  48. The best place to receive knowledge in a school setting, and it's quiet too.
  49. Janitor's closet; Take 1 feathers and Draw 1 cards (probable at 50%).
  50. Discretely take some supplies.
  51. Cooking class; Take 2 feathers, Draw 2 cards, and 1 question "cooking and gastronomy" (probable at 50%).
  52. Path; Pay 1 feathers and move to Nurse clinic (square 7) (probable at 10%).
  53. School is over and the ducklings file outside.
    *name got hurt and must visit the clinic to recover.
  54. Bus circle; skip 2 turns.
  55. Waiting for the bus to take the ducklings home.

Score: +1

Dernière édition par horse, 17.11.2024 00:50

2. Emerald,

It’s good but too specific in my view. It would be hard because whilst i really get why the challenges are there in certain squares some challenges might be disabled for various reasons so the squares really become worthless. Also challenges are usually taken between two people, what people take the challenge if only one is there?

I think this has potencial though

Score: +0

3. horse,

The casino board has this concept. Squares with specific challenges ignore the disabled state, and all players participate.
The school board is heavily focused on challenges, and there is an opportunity for any challenge to be selected. But the randomization is still very diverse, split into many categories.
In this case with no generic challenge squares present, the enabled challenges will only be taken into account when 2 players land on the same square or challenge cards are played.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par horse, 16.11.2024 19:30

4. Mohammedradwan2003,

These squares which move you 20 or so squares are the worst part of this.

Score: +0

5. horse,

These squares which move you 20 or so squares are the worst part of this.
I didn't fully realize how close those 3 squares are to each other. They should be spread out more, I agree with that.
I've edited the board; here are the changes related to movement:
Detension center is now at square 6 instead of 26. With a 30% chance, a player will only move back 4 squares to the office.
Nurse clinic is square 7 instead of 3.
Playground is square 16 instead of 22. With a 20% chance, a player will move back 9 squares to the clinic.
I'm not happy about that change because a playground can't be on the second floor of a building, but the board did need revising so it will pass.
Path square 29 hasn't changed, but it only has a 10% of moving you back to square 7 so that's very unlikely.
Field trip is square 10 instead of 5 and now has a 40% chance instead of 100. Player will move forward 15 squares.

Something to remember is the field trip square is after the nurse clinic. So even if you get pushed back, you can still skip to 25 with the field trip. Overall the field trip square has the most likelyhood and skips you more forward than the playground and detension center do backwards.
I personally liked the idea of the detension center sending you back before the classrooms so you would have to go passed all of them again, but then a player could also get a field trip. Hmm maybe the detension square should block the next field trip from activating instead of warping you backwards. That's a new mechanic we haven't seen in a board before.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par horse, 17.11.2024 00:45

6. Mohammedradwan2003,

Ok yeah, now I like this,

Score: +0

7. glad,

It can be worked with if the admins agree

Score: +0

8. Emerald,

Ok fair point. What about cards? Will you have new kinds or the standard ones?

Score: +0

9. horse,

I don't think new cards are necessary. I mean we could certainly add some new ones, but that would be a lot more work to get the board approved.
I did suggest the possibility of having the detension center block the next field trip from having a 40% chance, but that isn't necessary either.

Score: +0

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