Custom cards free table (annulé)

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1. riffy36_wii,

Hi everyone, i am suggesting a thing, in free table, if it's possible, make it possible to everyone that is at the free table to create theyr custom cards, that wen played maybe makes a custom sound that is requested while creating the card, and maybe add an option to display a custom message in the history when the card is played. I am sorry if i requested too much, and of course, don't add this feature if it's not possible to.

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2. Aminiel,


I don't understand at all what would be the final goal of doing this. Play a custom card game not yet existing on the playroom ? Quite complicated, as it's impossible to generalize. Every game has its own gameplay, dealing, scoring, etc. Even if we wanted to generalize only trick-taking games for example, it isn't reasonably doable, as all of them have unique features (that's what make them all interesting, by the way).

So please explain what's the purpose. Currently it looks totally pointless.

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3. dhegwork-adakly,

I think he's referring to adding cards to the already existing functionality of dice and coins. But I don't know, if it's customizable, he could do something similar with /me without needing to implement anything new.

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4. riffy36_wii,

No, i mean, on free tables, you can create custom cards that you can play and when you play the card it plays the sound that you specifyed while you create the card, and, if U want, the user can also specify a custom message in the history that can appear when the user plays the card. I know that's nonsense, but in some cases it can be fun

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5. theSocialIntrovert,

on the other hand, what would be fun would be to have something like small talk questions at free table, if anything.

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6. Aminiel,

I still don't understand the purpose of the thing.

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7. theSocialIntrovert,

so that people have things to talk about that will make you know more about each oterh but that's the only thing I can see would be useful when it comes to adding cards to a free table

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8. Nikola,

from what I can tell, we're mixing a lot of unrelated topics here and confusing the matter:

  1. The initial suggestion: Play a custom card with a custom sound. Mostly quite pointless in my view, the first part of the suggestion can already be achieved, type /me and insert anything else you want into your message. Custom sounds is just a lot of noise for no reason. It's one of these things that's fun in your circle of friends, but no longer so fun once it goes global and everybody overuses it to hell.
  2. Add some basic deck management, drawing/dealing/shuffling. I've actually wanted to suggest that myself, it could allow some creativity, but it is a lot of work for honestly little benefit. The amount of people who would get a use out of that isn't that high in my view.
  3. Suggestion by TheSocialIntrovert, I am not sure what its concept is. From what I am understanding it is a kind of set of predetermined phrases to exchange, but that also doesn't seem all that useful in my view. It no longer feels like a chat.

All in all, without meaning to sound completely dismissive, nothing particularly interesting.

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9. riffy36_wii,

I won't post a thing here anymore. You made me sad.

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10. theSocialIntrovert,

what I mean is, it could be a lot of different small talk questions that people could then answer and discuss. Like topic starters. It could also be something like ego, but that requires that people know each other pretty well first. I have no idea if anyone would find it interesting or not so I hope this explanation is a little more clear than my previous ones

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11. Nikola,

Ah, thanks for clarifying @theSocialIntrovert, that's clearer now. I think you meant something like flashcards rather than the cards I had in mind when answering.

@riffy36 Too bad, but we don't know you and don't have anything against you or your suggestions personally, and you were never told to stop posting.

When something is suggested, it's very easy to say do this or do that, but the point of a forum is also to try to constructively explain why your suggestion is useful, which benefits it could bring and why it should be added.
Even then it might be accepted or refused, the Playroom is a free, hobbie project, so there is really no obligation to do anything. That's not anything against your suggestions or against you, you should just be ready to accept and hear out the other side and try to answer the questions, that's the whole point of a forum.

Maybe five of your suggestions will be refused and one will be accepted, or maybe it will go the other way round, it depends on a lot of factors, from the time it will take to implement it, the usefulness of the suggested feature, the motivation of the developer to work on that particular part of the Playroom at the moment (even if something is refused today, it does not mean it will never ever appear).

Nowadays I've been hearing a lot of these complaints of X thing got refused, so Y thing that I am suggesting will probably never be added and will be refused too, which is simply not true. Don't connect entirely unrelated suggestions, be respectful and polite, and you have as much chance of your suggestion being accepted as everybody else.

When developing, there are many factors you have to consider. For instance, with your feature, you have mentioned that the users should be able to play their own custom sounds. Now, here we have one interesting challenge: These sounds have to be stored somewhere on the server so that the users can download and play them. What happens if you upload a bunch of copyrighted sounds that you illegally obtained? Of course, you clearly broke the rules in that case, so it's your problem, except that the complaint goes to the Playroom team and it has potentially dangerous legal consequences.
Obviously, I am not saying you will do that yourself, I'm just saying that this opens up a potentially big loophole for legal issues. That's in fact a bbig reason why you propose a link to an audio stream instead of just directly streaming and uploading files for all other users, then the responsibility is on you/the website hosting that stream.

In summary, as long as everybody stays constructive and explanations are clear/you are ready to clarify any misunderstandings, you can suggest whatever you want, just take it for what it is, a suggestion, not a demand or obligation.

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12. Aminiel,


OK, I understand better now.

We have to be very cautious with user-created content, be it sounds or just simple text. If someone writes something offensive, the playroom staff would receive the complain, too. That's for example why we can't allow creating a Cards against humanity pack on the fly, even if it would definitely be very fun ! Even if you are supposed to share it only with a closed circle of friends who all agree in theory, there is always someone who can feel offended by something and report it to us. So, we can accept new packs, but they have to go through a review before being published. By the way, I'm still waiting for Harry Potter, Star Wars or The Lord of the ring themed packs that some people suggested.

If I summarize the suggestion here, it would be creating a kind of icebreaker or teambuilding game. The same constraints as with Cards against humanity would apply, i.e. no user-created content on the fly. Additionally we have another problem: as far as I know, icebreaker/teambuilding games have no real play structure, there is no defined moment when a turn is ended, you may skip your turn if you have nothing to say or are uncomfortable with a given topic, teams can be made up in the middle of the game and possibly unbalanced, rules are quite liberal and adapted to particular groups and situations, etc. this makes it harder to come up with something globally usable, really useful/helpful, and satisfying most needs.

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13. theSocialIntrovert,

it could be like this: you click on a function like "questions" for example and a question will appear. People can discuss it or not, or they can choose new one if they like. It is ice breaker topics that do not necessarily need to be part of a game

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14. glad,

so what type of questions like if they simple questions on resont toppics which not make people upset its good

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15. theSocialIntrovert,

of course

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